No status update after FP. What does it mean?


Registered Users (C)
We did our FP appointment on 07/12, but there is no status update after that.
I'v read here that most of applicants receive status updates almost the same day after FP appointment.
Does it mean that we stuck on some security check?
Is this ur first FP?
If not then its fine, since many of us didn't receive any status updates after 2nd FP..
It is also normal that there is no LUD after FP. It happened to many people, including me.
Same here.

My second FP LUD has changed in March 2006 but no change in the message from 2005 (for RFE received response).

My third FP on JULY 3rd 2007 didn't change LUD or on line message.

Few from this forum even got GC by mail without having LUD changes.