No more ADIT photos from August 04


Registered Users (C)
From news ticker:

July 28, 2004: USCIS has indicated that it will start accepting passport-style photographs (frontal view) for benefits applcation beginning Monday, August 1, 2004. ... [truncated]

No more 'hunting' for a place that does ADIT photos... :)
Good Info ..Thanks.. Very few people post informative message like this .. generally people put garbage and that also some people cut and paste and repost in same thread ...
we have variety of piece.......Take it easy
By the way, I did the ADIT photos myself recently. You can do this if you have a tripod, a digital camera and a computer. All you need to do is to 'crop' out your face properly, arranged six of them into a 3 x 2 grid and print them out on a 4R (4" by 6") print. When you cut the photos out, each piece will be exactly 2" x 2", the dimensions required by BCIS.

What you get is the satisfaction that you have the best pose you want. Plus the best part that it costs you only 19 cents (plus tax) to get six photos. :) (I printed them at Costco.)