No July00 485RD approvals till now??


Registered Users (C)
Has NSC slowed down. All of July 2001, we have not seen any July2000 receipt date cases being approved.

Whats going on at NSC. Or is NSC on summer vacation??

If u see July00RD cases, please post all details.

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mostof the june cases are yet to be approved...dont know whats happening.....the situation looks really sad..
Maybe approvals in August

Historically looking at the graphs in it\'s possible August will be a good month for NSC. Let\'s wait and see.
rd 01/05/2001; nd 01/18/2001; fp 03/09/2001
Any logic behind Dec 2000 ?

Any logic behind Dec 2000 ? or is it just because you have applied in Dec 2000 ?
No Title

why dec 2000 cases ?? why not just your case and my case and then US
govt can abolish an institution called NSC :)
There is approval for RD 7/6/00

glen1 "I-485 Approved-Correction (keyboard problem)" 7/31/01 10:24am
July approval that I have seen today on main I-485 discussion area

HI to all,
I have never posted any thing before on this site.
As per voice mail, our I485 have been approved on July 30, 2001. Here are the details:
RD 7/6/2000
ND 7/26/2000
FP 3/21/2001
AD 7/30/2001
PD Don\'t know (It was not on the notice)
Country Pakistan
LIN 00-219-xxxx
I will try to answer as many questions as I can for a few days. Sometimes it might be little late but bear with me.
This board has been very helpful in keeping update with the latest happenings. Thanks Rajiv, Myladoor and all the contributors for making this site successful.
Waiting for the notice.