No IL more than 2 months after FP. Is this normal?


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My wife and I did our FP on 01/20/10 at Raleigh/Durham Office. 2 weeks after that, we received yellow letters instructing us what to bring when going to be interviewed. However, we have not received our interview letters so far. It has been more than 2 months.

Is this normal? What should I do if I want to make an inquiry? Please advise. Thank you !!
This is not normal, although once in a while they take so long to schedule one.
You can call them over the 800#, but you will get some dumb "reader" who will read "what" is on the computer. No more.
Take an INFOPASS appointment. They still might turn you back but you have a better chance of getting some information.
Check your online status ... it might give you some clues although it is not 100% updated.
Which optional should I choose, if I use InfoPass? There are several options there, and I do not know which one to use. Thank you !!