No FP notice, 2 months from filing I-485


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I'm in a fix. I am filing for my Mother's GC. Our DO is :Newark DO
Mailed I-130, I-485,I-131 to Chicago Lock Box: Jan 27 '06
Receipt Dt: Jan 30 '06
Notice Dt: Feb 3 '06

It's almost end of March now (2 mths) and still no Finger Print notice from NBC. I tried calling the 1-800 number and every time I get a different response. Once they even told me that the FP notice was already dispatched on Feb 3rd. But since it happens to be the ND of I-485, I'm suspecting if they even gave me the right info. I see that many other applicants from Newark DO got their FP notice within 10 days of RD. Our case seems to be a classic example of FP notice lost or some officer sitting on our file and doing nothing.

Can someone suggest what to do in this situation?
All my calls to the I-800 cust srv line and Newark DO have led me to nothing.

Is there anyone from Newark DO here, who did not get their FP notice long after RD? What did you do to get FPs taken? Please advice. Thanks.
7 month from ND but no FP too - Newark

It's been seven months and I am still waiting. I tried calling 1800 number and Infopass and walk-in, lawyer tried too, but no response. Anybody else in such a situation?
lily06 said:
It's been seven months since I filed I-485 and I still haven't got my finger printing done. Call Info Pass, or walk-in is both useless. My lawyer also tried to call the 1800 number but no response. I had an interview early Feb and the interviewer gave me an April 4th appointment, asking me to go there if I don't receive earlier ones. She said that the Newark is terribly delayed. As far as I know, we cannot do anything but wait. Sucks...

Lily -
Thanks for the update.
It is NBC that schedules the FP appts and due to some bad luck your case and mine and some others are sitting on a irresponsible, lazy officer's desk without being scheduled for FPs. I saw quite a few posts in the forums here where people were scheduled for FPs quicky, at Newark ASC. Our files unfortunately happen to be with someone, who is being sloppy.

The problem is that even if we take it to some one's attention, about FP appts which never got scheduled at the right time, NO ONE is able to help - no one at the DO, Cust service line or any where else. I've been calling around the past few days and I always hear from the Newark DO supervisors that we have to wait and they cannot contact the NBC. How come they are not able to notify NBC regarding such cases?? This really vexes me.

Yours is the 3rd case I'm coming across related to Newark DO where the FP notice doesn't ever get sent, but interview is scheduled. Because of this a case that normally gets approved within 5 months, stretches to 9 months or more. The way they work are pathetic!!

It is unbelievable that the Interviewing officer @ Newark could only get you in for FP, a WHOLE 2 months after interview. Can you please post what the officer told you re: your FP?

Did you try to do a walk-in at Commerce Street? Did they let you in or did they turn you away b'cos you didn't have a FP appt notice?
Do you remember the name of the officer whom you met at InfoPass?
Did you write to any one re: the FP notices? I'm assuming your lawyer at least must have tried to do something besides simply calling the 1-800 number, which is really useless.

At least, your FP is in a couple of weeks and hopefully your name check will be done and you'll hear about your approval soon.
lily06 said:
It's been seven months and I am still waiting. I tried calling 1800 number and Infopass and walk-in, lawyer tried too, but no response. Anybody else in such a situation?

How is that ? You don't get a response with INFOPASS ?
You're supposed to schedule here all by yourself.
You either get an appointment or not.

As for the 1-800 sometimes you got to wait until you're able to speak to a real person there. It took me 40 minutes once I tried. Be patient and invest some time. Make sure you go to the bathroom first, get yourself something to drink and a snack and just wait.
FP Notice should not take 7 months. Your case either is really slow, or it's really messed up. I would make an infopass and talk to an officer about it.

An officer is not the security guard at the DO running the metal detectors, nor is the guy/gal that sits at the desk barking at people asking them if they have the print-out of the appointment.

In a perfect situation, these following things should happen...
1. You log onto
2. Follow through until you get to pick which of the available appointments you want
3. Print out the confirmation page
4. TRY, not do it, TRY, showing up 30 minutes before your interview, so you give yourself plenty of time to go through the metal detectors and the long lines at the receiption's desk. REMEMBER TO BRING THE PRINT-OUT OF THE APPOINTMENT. I "heard" horror stories about people got turned away without the print-out; the best thing to do is to bring the print-out AND a copy of your entire copy of the application package
5. You get to sit down at a lounge/waiting room until your number is called
6. You talk to THE OFFICER about your case, and ask him/her if he/she knows the problem with the delay of your case. They can look your information up on their computer, more detail than the website the public and the 1800 number can see.
7. Walk out either with a DO FP Notice, learn more about your case, and/or gain a sense of confidence knowing that your case is not lost
8. Go home

So if your infopass is similar to what i described, then you are good. If not... let's not assume that for now... have a positive attitude, everything is going to be alright.
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