No Approvals yet today?

somebody just posted an NSC approval on rupnet...

user 'sss', RD 10/17/2001 ND 11/06/2001...

guys, its early in the day yet!
All the latest approvals are dated 2/5. We are yet to see an approval for 2/6. Either the online is not updated yet or their delivery dept might be busy with Incoming mails. I read somewhere their delivery department is busy on Mondays and Fridays. My strong feeling is that their AVM and online are updated at their Mail Delivery department.
User "sss" posted his approval:

RD 10/17/2001 NO RFE!!!

Can user sss please share the details with us?

Note: He was not listed at all in rupnet until this morning. Might be fake?
User sss

I had posted the approval on rupnet under sss. The approval is real and there were no RFEs. My husband's application is still pending as per his conversation with IIO in morning. I always used this forum to view the posts, but since I got the approval thought of sharing the info. Atleast it will bring some hope to others waiting for their approvals.
Congratulations !!

mysun/sss, congratulations!!

Is your husbands case just pending (not yet assigned ) or is it pending with an officer after assignment? Appreciate if you could please share details (if you know of) on this.


Thanks!! His case has been assigned to the officer. We had called two weeks back, and it was assigned at that time also.
misun congrats !!!

Also guys remember that NSC only works Tues-Thurs.
Fridays are spent planning for the weekend and Mondays recovering from it.