No approvals......What\'s going on in VSC??

Spring Break guys...

I think lot of people on vacation. The roads are so empty this week, I am reaching the office 10 minutes early. So, I guess it is the same in VSC..
That means VSC people also reach 10 mins early right !! That proves that whether they work 10hrs/Day

Their efficiency is constant (or deminishing!!)
May be due to Internal Restructuring

I think the number of approvals have gone down due to Internal
Restructuring and hope they will pickup once this is done. Read
the following news:

News under & Breaking News

INS Commenced Internal Restructuring Per Its Plan
Effective today, the INS has restructured the line of command
for enforcement function following its Restructuring Plan which
was announced earlier. Today\'s action is a first step of
implementation of its plan and involves mostly District Offices,
Border Patrol, Detention Facilities, and Regional (administrative)
Offices, relating to the INS enforcement function, not including
the 5 Service Centers for immigration benefit services functions.
Each of the affected offices will be directly commanded by the INS
HQ from today.
I wonder how long will it take before they resume 485 processing.

I wonder how long will it take before they resume 485 processing.
Give us a break for Gods sakes

What do you mean Resume processing 485. I dont think they would have stopped processing. What are all the Approvals that are coming.
Instead of posting guys are posting approvals directly on

yesterday only my friend got approx. 15 automatic approval mails(for july only) from rupnet. I am not sure what is going on???
me wondering too ..

but recently somebody posted that it most of the approvals have been on Thursday & Friday so maybe we should see some today ..
INS may be getting restructured or would have bitten with another unknown disease

Almost one day or the other, this restructuring of INS comes in CNN news. Don\'t know what is happenning there. My be they die to approve cases.
I think

All IIOs were doing their taxes last week, and trying to beat the clock on 15th Night. So it looks like for the last couple of weeks, they did nothing to the 485 apps. We should see some approvals next week as they might have restarted doing 485 apps this week.

I think everybody in this country scared of IRS and tries to finish up all the tax work before the deadline. May be we should lobby IRS and ask them to tell INS to do their job in 6 month time table or ELSE AUDIT the tax returns of all IIOs.
And now all this hot weather....

And all INS officers will try to stay cool and do not touch any cases until the weather will get back to normal...
Race !

Folks ! I am not sure when my 485 will get approved (RD 10/01, ND 11/01, FP 03/07). But my mom is trying to fix my marriage before it is approved. I am expecting to get married sometime end of May or mid June .....with current pace of approvals what you guys think ...would I be safe? I mean would I be able to get married before the approval? Do I have a chance?
No Title

Don\'t you think it is better to get married BEFORE ur approval? Do
you want all the hassles of the spouse travel docs after approval!

You have to loose the freedom (marriage) before you even get the freedom (Getting the GC)

Thanks Baba Yaga and Milk ......

YES OF COURSE I wanna get married before it is approved and hopefully they won\'t process Oct. cases for another 2-3 months..
Shame on me that I woke up when it is so close ...