No approvals for the last two days ??


Registered Users (C)
No approvals from VSC for the last 2 days. Looks like they stopped. Any ideas ??


Still "case not found"...

There are some folks who do not visit this site.

There are some folks who do not visit this site at all. I have couple of my friends never follows what is going on about GC.
One was approved in Oct5, he is dec00 filer.
Another was approved some time last week. He is Jan filer.
I am hoping they will start Feb 01, March 01 soon.
I am little bit worried about current markt condidtions just in case any more layoffs. I am FEB 2001 filer.
No Title

Thanks for the information on your friends.

But, what is the answer to the original questions? Do you know or not if any one has received an approval in the last few two days?

We are saw a post here on Monday about stopping of VSC 485 approvals till other centers catch up with VSC etc. Is that true and if so, may be that is why there is this delay ...

I hope not
RE: VSC Stops processing forms:

To my knowlege the VSC (or INS) has not stopped processing - I think the current situation may have some bearing, especially after the announcement that there will be stricter checks on those admitted
Jungli Sher might have a point

It might be the case that if you ever had F-1 status in the US, you will be more closely scrutinized as per the new policy. I hope this is disproven by a sudden burst of approvals shortly.