No approval yet of WAC-01-266-XXXX!


Registered Users (C)
RD 07/02
ND 08/24
FP 12/11
AVM 1/10/02 processing resumed
talked to IIO in third week of Feb, she told me that INS has recieved FBI and all other agencies reports, and the file is sitting on the shelve, not assigned to officer yet.

All WAC-01-264-268-XXXX please share your thoughts here.
We were told during a personal visit to the CSC

sometime in the third or fourth week of Feb, that our cleared background checks were received by them from the FBI on January 29th. When asked if our cases had been assigned, the IIO looked surprised (as though she did not know what I was talking about) and responded that we would hear from them by mail in 120 days. Our cases got approved on March 6th (go figure).

Based on the above and the details in my signature you may be able come up with a guesstimate regarding your own approval. Per Yamagu\'s observation, your\'s may be just around the corner. Best of luck!! Post the good news when it arrives.

PS- Sorry, looks like my signature did not come thru - well here it is - PD: 05/2000, RD (485): 6/27/01, ND(485):08/22/01, FP (done on): 11/23/01, EAD & AP approved (11/10/2001), AVM: "12/29...Processing Resumed", AD: 03/06/2002
Although.. don\'t raise your hopes!

My case# is WAC-01-256-xxxxx (FP done on 12/13) and I\'m still in the same situation as I was a couple of months back! My AVM still says "..on Jan9... processing resumed..."! I was told at first that my background check was received back on Jan 29th (yet another confusing date!) and just over a week ago some other IIO said that my background check wasn\'t even completed yet!!
Well all I can say is I hope my case gets a decision within this calender year.
More Confusion

My WAC is 262 and backgound checks were reveived on 01.10.02 (confirmed by 2 IIOs). FP done on 12.12.01.


I think the officer who has your file and my file has gone into deep slumber

I wish there was some way to wake him up.

I hope it is not like the Hindu Mythology where there was one god who always went into deep slumber and it was very difficult to wake him up. His name was "Kumbakaran"

Just doing "TP" - No hard feelings
TP reply to TP post

Kumbhakarna was supposed to be a "raakshas"...
It does not matter whether he is god or raakshas when he is asleep ;-)

A nice kick in the rear could wake this Kubhakarna in INS though
rsrgc, kumbakaran was by no means a god! :)

He was an asura or a rakshash albeit a benign one. He was Ravan\'s brother. He tried to counsel Ravan that abducting Sita was not a good idea at all. And then he went into slumber ostensibly like the INS officer who is processing your case... ;-(
I guess guys who had there FP around 1st-2nd week

of December haven\'t seen much of the approval. I guess they are lying together in a pile somewhere in the INS file room or at some INS officers desk.

What bothers me is that some of my friend had their FP done in Febuary and had their 485 approved(their RD was same or latter than ours). So I think background check and stuf anyway shouldn\'t be taking that long.

I guess there is not much we can do about it, except WAIT.

Thank you all and hopefully we all see our approvals soon!

Keep us all posted!
I guess this

was a nice humorous discussion about Kumbakarna

but still no answer to my 64 million dollar question

in the same boat even worse

My case No is wac-01-262-xxxx, FP done on 01/03.
The AVM msg never updated still says "... it is
taking 975-999 days...". Sent a level 2 fax inquiry
on 03/05 to request my FP status (why there was no
any updates for my case in the AVM msg?). Got an
email response from CSC.LEVEL2.FAXINQ on 03/15.
Their response is "Pending -Your application is still
pending. Currently the Service Center is adjudicating
cases with fingerprint results received on 6/30/01 or
prior." This response is useless and didn\'t answer my

I am worried that they may lost our application paper
files entirely, because I never received the FP appointment
notice, but visited the local INS in person on 01/03,
then FP was taken in the local INS on that date.

What should I make a reply to deal with their response?
it is very appreciated for any suggestions and advices.

Thanks a lot for any response in advance!
