No Americans Need Apply


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No Americans Need Apply

Daniel Soong, who lost his programming job to Indian offshore companies, is willing to relocate to India. But Indian officials have told him they don't hire Americans.


DANIEL SOONG GOT his first computer in the fifth grade, a Timex Sinclair that used an audiocassette player for a disk drive and the family's black-and-white television for a monitor. It cost about a hundred dollars at Radio Shack and wasn't good for much more than writing a few snippets of code in Basic. But that was enough to hook him. By the time he was in high school, he was taking calculus and advanced mathematics. He declared computer science as his major after his first semester at Sacramento State.

When he graduated in 1995, information technology was booming. The Internet was on its way to commercialization, and entrepreneurs were looking to capitalize on the growth potential in IT. For Soong, a job in the field was a natural next step on a journey he'd started when he was 10. "I wasn't looking to get rich or anything," he says, just searching for a steady job doing something he loved.

Now age 30, Soong doesn't even have that. He has been out of work since January 2002, when ChevronTexaco outsourced his job to India. And like millions of other Americans, he can't find work in IT. Soong doesn't see his situation improving anytime soon, and you can hear the despair in his voice. "There's no sense of hope," he says. "No hope for college graduates, no hope for people looking for a job, no hope for any of us."

For the complete story, please go to:
Unfortunately such articles appear in various mags.
This article shows India in a very poor limelight and is not fair. I have personally seen Motorola, Siemens, Texas etc. employ foreigners. Such articles can even cause backlash against the Indians.
I don't understand how this shows India in bad light? The company might be looking towards cutting costs and it is a good thing they found a solution by outsourcing it to an Indian company.
Originally posted by sai-2367
Unfortunately such articles appear in various mags.
This article shows India in a very poor limelight and is not fair. I have personally seen Motorola, Siemens, Texas etc. employ foreigners. Such articles can even cause backlash against the Indians.

I am sorry but when did Motorola, Siemens, Texas become Indian companies? :confused:
I meant Motorola , Siemens and Texas in India, hiring people on their local payroll. These companies are subject to Indian laws of Trade, union etc. aren't they. They can hire and fire people at their own will.

Originally posted by patienceGC
I am sorry but when did Motorola, Siemens, Texas become Indian companies? :confused:
I am talking about companies in India refusing to hire foreigners. What if US started doing the same to Indians here ?

Originally posted by nkaveti
I don't understand how this shows India in bad light? The company might be looking towards cutting costs and it is a good thing they found a solution by outsourcing it to an Indian company.
Upper Management!

Most MNCs in India has foreigners in the upper management. I am not sure which company told Daniel that its illegal to work in India.

There are always people who will grumble. I shouldn't say anything. But, how is he still out of a job (for close to 2 years now). Many Indians who lost their job (thru lay offs) in US, have found another job in US.

Anyway, I don't think we must spend too much time on articles like this!!
i have no doubt ...

in my mind that with in some time we will definitely see a backlash against H1B and L1 and other visa holders. It will become extremely diffcult to find jobs for these visa holders , in case one were to lose his /her job.

As long as you are on a job , you are fine but for people looking for work and ona visa, it is extremely difficult.

The debate about immigration is a very old one.

but one thing is for sure, anti -immigration lobbyists are on the rise...
Daniel's english communication Sucks

A ben Worthen has a few friends and relatives who lost jobs in IT sector because of their 9-5 working habits. poor productivity and very blinkered approach to IT. He however could not write about them without getting in trouble with CIO magazines editorial board at some time in future like Jason Blair did with NYT and its senior management.

SO he decided to talk about Daniel soong.

he knew that if he attributes quotes to daniels's friends then he can settle scores with hardworking indians who are proving to be more capable at providing solutions and communicating and working harmoniously with clients and co workers and most importantly giving more bang for bucks for AMERICAN COMPANIES. he also knows that many lazy, incapable less ediucated and greedy people like some of his friends and relatives will take this story entirely for their own selfish reasons.

most importantly he failed to point out that Daniel soong's english communication sucks bigtime. His graduation from a not so greatly ranked college is not assuring the competance level an engineering graduate from a good school from India can ensure. And that he is not a good team player (playing video games is not same as being a successful SAP professional.

SO all this information my FRIEND told me about BEN and DANIAL should be enough to scotch all the misinformation about India and Indian IT professionals and IT companies.

I wish the so called all american Bens and Soongs were willing to providfe value for money, dedication, competance and hardwork to american clients rather than bitch about Indians taking their jobs. but then there always be loosers wanting to blame others for their misfortune.

lets point out to them that IT is american comapnies owned by american people and managed by american managers are willingly outsourcing jobs to India so rather than hitting indian below the belt they should ask the relevant questons to the american people.

as far as american employees in India: i am willing to hire american employees for India as long as they work at the same salary and same work conditions and work hours as my Indian employees. If they want to work for my firm in US they are welcome however they should be willing to get transferred to India at a shhort notice and then the salary in India will be INDIAN salary. also they should confirm to the client satisfaction and quality standards set by my company (beyond SEI CMM 5 ) while maintaining the same productivity standards my other emplyees maintain.

Frankly if these guys were so good as to meet above criteria then they can not be displaced by anyone Indian or otherwise. AND mediocrity has no place in a competitive world. period.

regards and have nice weekend :)

Daniel Soong

earned 160K/year when he is still 30!
He lost the job and lives with his parents.

Now can someone tell me how you squander a 160K salary that u have to live with your parents when you lose your job?

These are some of the stories that we will hear from the dot-boomers for a long time.
Re: Daniel Soong

Originally posted by patienceGC
earned 160K/year when he is still 30!
He lost the job and lives with his parents.

Now can someone tell me how you squander a 160K salary that u have to live with your parents when you lose your job?

These are some of the stories that we will hear from the dot-boomers for a long time.

did you mean "dot-bomb"ers? :D
Ken Hamidi

is one of the candidates foolishly running for the california governors office. This SOB is an immigrant iranian-american who now protests against H1Bs and job loss to "foreigners"! I hope he is involved in terrorist activities and gets caught!
Re: Daniel Soong

Mathematically speaking, it is not a big amount. Consider the taxes and everything, you are not left with much in hand. If you have loans(college etc), mortgages etc., you do not save a lot. Now that was the salary he might have reached at his pinnacle (just b4 he was fired).

Originally posted by patienceGC
earned 160K/year when he is still 30!
He lost the job and lives with his parents.

Now can someone tell me how you squander a 160K salary that u have to live with your parents when you lose your job?

These are some of the stories that we will hear from the dot-boomers for a long time.

he graduated from Sacramento State and started working immediately after that!

Lets say he graduated at 22. He worked for almost 6 years quite a few of which was in PWC and other big companies. He was a SAP consultant who earned 160K! Now if you have had an average salary of 100K for six years, you'd have a lot! Dude there are tons of people in this country who support families on a 40K income.

In my opinion, this is one of the very highly paid consultants whose jobs were never secure. They will never become employees of any company because they want a boat load of money. Now that he has become this political guy, no company will hire him for obvious reasons!
Re: okay

It looks like it is a big salary, but it is not:-

Approx. calculation
100K amount
Taxes 35%
SS + Medical (11%)
Rent / Mortgage (@1500 / month) (15%)
Car loans + college loans ( 10 %)
Insurance (2.5%)
Utilities (3.5%)
gas (1 %)
Balance approx=== 21,000
Personal expenditure (eating out, buying artifacts,software/hardware, gifts, vacations etc) = 20 000

1000 is what one is left with

Over 6 years he saves (approx. 10000)

See what I mean !!! And i have not included stock market failures etc.

Originally posted by patienceGC
he graduated from Sacramento State and started working immediately after that!

Lets say he graduated at 22. He worked for almost 6 years quite a few of which was in PWC and other big companies. He was an SAP consultant who earned 160K! Now if you have had an average salary of 100K for six years, you'd have a lot! Dude there are tons of people in this country who support families on a 40K income.

In my opinion, this is one of the very highly paid consultants whose jobs were never secure. They will never become employees of any company because they want a boat load of money. Now that he has become this political guy, no company will hire him for obvious reasons!
I think it is more to do with publicity or/and sueing someone rather than with immigration/discrimination/economics...
Re: Re: okay

Okay if you make 100K and you have only 10K left after 6 years, There is really something wrong with your spending pattern. Thats all I can say

If you type SAP in monster or any other site, there are 100s of jobs! I dont have a clue as to why this guy cannot get one!
Re: Re: Re: okay

100K for a single person(high taxes + mortgages/rent) starting early in life with loans (school + college) is really not a big amount.
Now why he was not able to find a job is another discussion .

Originally posted by patienceGC
Okay if you make 100K and you have only 10K left after 6 years, There is really something wrong with your spending pattern. Thats all I can say

If you type SAP in monster or any other site, there are 100s of jobs! I dont have a clue as to why this guy cannot get one!
Re: Re: Re: Re: okay

Originally posted by sai-2367
100K for a single person(high taxes + mortgages/rent) starting early in life with loans (school + college) is really not a big amount.
Now why he was not able to find a job is another discussion .

He is still looking for only high paid jobs.