NIW RFE need help!

Toxsci said:
I do not think it is possible to defend without a strong letter from the advisor. While independent scientists can talk about the importance of research, it is the advisor who has to state the importantance of the candidate in his projects along with some support from the research department. As USCIS has mentioned in the RFE that the advisor has several projects, I think they need the advisor's strong recommendation about the critical role of NIWGC2005 in his research activities (information on how difficult it is to replace NIWGC2005 would also help)

In my opinion, if only somebody within your company can say that you are so important for a project and not in the same way some independent scientists I think you will have quite some problems to convince USCIS that your work is of national interest. If you want to fit in the NIW category an independent scientists should not only be able to talk about the importance of your research but also about your importance for the company in terms of national interest. Otherwise I would highly recommend to go for OR instead of NIW.
I agree with HONKMAN
I reviewed my own letters written by big shots in my area.
They have written about me being outstansing , my work being important but haven't stressed on national interest(at minimum yes) and labor point (almost nill).ANyway, I am sending mails to many hope they will respond to request!!!
nikkasingh said:
Jeez, 16 papers and 15 first authors, thats top notch man. Can you tell us how many citations you have and which journals these papers are in (impact factors). Most institutes/univs have subscription to ISI (no not the one in Pakistan) where you can generate citation reports. Prepare a report for each of your papers such that: paper 1 from XXX et al No of citations so many cited by cited in etc.

Secondly find out information about your journals, try to prove that these journals are above average (or above society level). one nature or science paper goes much farther than three in Journal of Horticulture society or Journal of American Medical Assoc, bcos scientist publish bread and butter work in journals published by the society that they are members of, while publishing in top journals is uncommon.

In my limited opinion, however, nothing is more important than numerous, well articulated, strong letters (from both people in and outside your circle). The more the better, and please dont be shy to ask, after all just asking for letters cant hurt.

Good Luck.

Well, All my papers are in good journals with international circulation iwth imapct factor between 3-10. I got these papers in recent years but still as of today I have 98 citations. I am collecting these papers to make my case.
You need to do following to ensure success:

1. Good well worded report of citations. analysing whos of who of field have quoted your articles.

2. It will nice to have letters from people who have quoted your papers.

3. Prepare small report on publications impact like circulations, impacts.

4. Most important out of circle letters.

I am sure your case is good but someone didn't prepare it well.
All the best !!

I beleive I am now ready for replying RFE
1. I managed to get ard 15 letters(4 industryUS+5 Top academicianUS+ 6 International 2UK,Spain,2Germany+Australia) all detailing about all three prongs.
2. I prepared citation analysis report quoting all citation and i am attaching all with the response
May be next week some time it will go!
Thanks for your sharing. I am in the simialr time frame to reply to my RFE for the third prong too. Wish both of us good luck.
got it!

must say last one month was tense period with anxiety.
When I applied for NIW i was not very much satisfied with my case.
I was getting ready for RFE and i got one.
I had accumulated many good quality letters from whos who of my research area and ...........replied RFE on 1 August..which was received on 2 and LUD changed every possible day since then...........Few minutes back I got E-Mail.
Its approved!
Thanks all..........All the best to you all.
NIWGC2005 said:
must say last one month was tense period with anxiety.
When I applied for NIW i was not very much satisfied with my case.
I was getting ready for RFE and i got one.
I had accumulated many good quality letters from whos who of my research area and ...........replied RFE on 1 August..which was received on 2 and LUD changed every possible day since then...........Few minutes back I got E-Mail.
Its approved!
Thanks all..........All the best to you all.


And wish me good luck :)
NIWGC2005 said:
must say last one month was tense period with anxiety.
When I applied for NIW i was not very much satisfied with my case.
I was getting ready for RFE and i got one.
I had accumulated many good quality letters from whos who of my research area and ...........replied RFE on 1 August..which was received on 2 and LUD changed every possible day since then...........Few minutes back I got E-Mail.
Its approved!
Thanks all..........All the best to you all.

Have you submitted all 15 letters this time? my lawyer said 5 letters are enough for FRE, BTW, did you still prepare the RFE by yourself or the lawyer? how many pages for your cover letter? Thanks.
thanks for wishes,
I hired a different lawyer for RFE preparation.
I did insisted on sending all 15 letters as They were all outstanding and I didn't want to take any chances. The cover letter was just 5 pages buit documents made it looked bulky. main parts of RFE response included detailed analysis of citations. I presented as if those people who cited my worked relied a lot on my work. Two of them also gave me letter stating same. 5 of my letters insisted mainly on why I need to skip labor certification process
1. they stressed on importance of my work
2.Urgency of my work.
3.Impact of losing me
4. Why i can't work on H1B for long as it might have industrial implications and industrial H1B has cap.

Well Somebody did send me PM about sharing cover letter but even though i wish I don't have electronic copy. I will see If I can scan it later and share !!!
NIWGC2005 said:
thanks for wishes,
I hired a different lawyer for RFE preparation.
I did insisted on sending all 15 letters as They were all outstanding and I didn't want to take any chances. The cover letter was just 5 pages buit documents made it looked bulky. main parts of RFE response included detailed analysis of citations. I presented as if those people who cited my worked relied a lot on my work. Two of them also gave me letter stating same. 5 of my letters insisted mainly on why I need to skip labor certification process
1. they stressed on importance of my work
2.Urgency of my work.
3.Impact of losing me
4. Why i can't work on H1B for long as it might have industrial implications and industrial H1B has cap.

Well Somebody did send me PM about sharing cover letter but even though i wish I don't have electronic copy. I will see If I can scan it later and share !!!

NIWGC2005, could you share how to answer the H-1B six year question? I have the same question like yours? Thanks.
I can summarize few things for H1B related RFEs
1. If you are researcher explain them the practical difference between H1B and GC holder. Explain in details what type of grants you are eligible for each category, why you are missing those grants, impact of losing those grants.
2. In support of that get letters from independent people, collabortaors and boss.
3. Put in H1B cap issue. I am full fledge researcher and my research has industrial applications and soon industrial researcher will need my services. SInce H1B cap doesn't allow me to get VISA s easily. and time is important issue in my research. US might loose my services.
4. Get letter from industrial people stating same.
5. I had exhausted 2 years and my research is bio based which is lengthy and i don't want it get obstructed due to immigration issue.
6. practically written by on industrial recommender.

Thats all i can say now
I received Pm from you all and will try to respond each by weekend. Well, i have not received cover letter electronic version from my lawyer once i get i will surely post that!!!
I beleive it will vary case wise!
It is sometimes difficult to handle H1B RFE.
Most of the cases of NIW belongs to researchers.
The collaborators are hesistant to work with H1B holders and letters from possible collaborators (still indepenent) can make lots of difference in handling this issue.
It will nice to have detailed explainantion about the impact on project and thus national interest due to H1B issue!

thanks Eb1 doc !
People like you, honkman makes this forum going!
Well, somebody did ask me about what i did about citation report.
1. I got citations for all my 19 papers (numbers increased eventually).

I got all possible papers.
wrote letters to big shots who quoted my paper asking what they felt about my papers and how they see future of my work from their view.
Here i must say i was preparing for RFE even before getting it!!!!!

In the cover letter I took on each paper of mine. Explained the work...refered the letter of citers (if i may say so) and presented future again quoting citers.

this citation became 3-4 page of explanantion plus few letters. These letters were addressed to to whomsoever it may be concern. and yes were different from 15 letters which I had asked. Few of them were emails.....

hope that helps! all the best
NIWGC2005 said:
thanks Eb1 doc !
People like you, honkman makes this forum going!

Well Thanks! I beleive honkman has done more than anyone by his contribution to teh forum group! I am very new member...try to input whatever I can.