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I filed my I-140 under the categary of NIW by myslef. Last Saturday, I
received a letter from the Immigration Office for more evidnece. Below is the
key points of the letter.

The record does establish that the beneficiary has conducted successful research and that his area of research is an important area for the United States. However, you must demonstrate how your achievements are more significant/noteworthy than others in the field and are above that normally attained by somebody at your current level.

Submit documentary evidence to establish that the benefits of the employment will be in national in scope and benefit more than a particular sector.

Submit documentary evidence to establish that the beneficiary is so unique within his field.

Submit documentary evidence of the beneficiary's prior achievements. How do these achievements have a future benefit to the National Interest? How will the beneficiary serve in the National Interest to a greatly substantial degree than would an available US worker?

I do not know, in this case, how to deal with the questions and submit what kind of proper evidence that they are looking for? Please help me out of this problem. Do I need to prepare more recommendation letters or what should I do to convince the officer.Your kind help is highly aprreciated.

Thanks in advance for all your kind help and may God Bless you and my petition.
my two cents

Heres my take on it dude. I think you need to submit some letters from professors in your field showing your specific skill sets in the field and how
you are outstanding. Documentary evidence to show that you meet the third prong on the petition saying that you are exceptional is the second thing they are looking for.

Take care.
this is a very common niw rfe letter. i think you can find previous threads in this forum.
NIWdg said:
The record does establish that the beneficiary has conducted successful research and that his area of research is an important area for the United States. However, you must demonstrate how your achievements are more significant/noteworthy than others in the field and are above that normally attained by somebody at your current level.

Submit documentary evidence to establish that the benefits of the employment will be in national in scope and benefit more than a particular sector.

Submit documentary evidence to establish that the beneficiary is so unique within his field.

Submit documentary evidence of the beneficiary's prior achievements. How do these achievements have a future benefit to the National Interest? How will the beneficiary serve in the National Interest to a greatly substantial degree than would an available US worker?

I do not know, in this case, how to deal with the questions and submit what kind of proper evidence that they are looking for? Please help me out of this problem. Do I need to prepare more recommendation letters or what should I do to convince the officer.Your kind help is highly aprreciated.

Thanks in advance for all your kind help and may God Bless you and my petition.

Impact,uniqueness, national interest: Well essentially they are asking more proofs of being qualified as NIW petitioner.

Most important get independent letters stating all of above.
start wrting right away requesting people to help you in this case and give you letters stating all of teh above.
besides ...did you miss something out of regular things in last petition....collect that..citations/publications/reprinst/comments on papers....did you gave away statistics of national interest......etc etc....its not that tough will sail safe...............

rr_green, eldhon, and eb1doc, Thanks a lot for your kind help.

More comments and encouragement are greatly appreciated here.
Research area Physics. about 10 first papers, 8 citations. Not too much.

Should I DIY again or find a lawyer?

Can anyone supply me a RFE response letter ?