NIW Recommendation letters


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Can anyone help with reference letters - format, content, what specific points to address etc.

Does anyone know of any websites or templates?

Or can someone who's been successful help me out?

Are the do-it-yourself kits any good?

Any attorney reccomendations?

Thanks. Please feel free to contact me directly at if you'd rather not post here.

Much obliged.

Recommendation Letters

Thanks for your response, Nitin.

Can you give me some pointers (from your experience). Any information that you can share and that you think might help, i.e.
Did you file for NIW yourself or did you hire an attorney. Have you heard back from INS or are you still waiting (how long?). How many Reference letters did you include.

Sample Letter

Hey Sumeetre,

Thanks for your reply. Would it be possible for you to email/mail me a sample reference letter.

I am trying to frame the letters for my petition myself and would really appreciate any help.

Thanks Much
I need your valuable advice on following two issues:
(a) I have arranged 10 reco letters for my EB1-EA petition. Four of these letters are from outside USA and six from inside. But most of the writers (six) of these letters are from my home country (India) only, will it have any adverse effect on my case?
(b) Can I use the photo copy of the same letters to file NIW case after some time? Language of most of these letters is such that they emphasises both the issues, i.e my extraordinary abilities as well as the significance and importance of my work in the context of national interest.
letters from india

Getting so many letters from India may not work so much in favor
of you. One or two letters is fine, in fact, I much hesitated
even to take letters from Indians here who were my PhD committee members.

If you have no other choice, make sure that they are internationally known, cite their articles in the international
journals and so on.

Originally posted by ashu62

(b) Can I use the photo copy of the same letters to file NIW case after some time? Language of most of these letters is such that they emphasises both the issues, i.e my extraordinary abilities as well as the significance and importance of my work in the context of national interest.

This worked for me. I think my attorney notarized the copies.

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I wrote one book titled ¡° U.S. Immigration do-it-yourself¡± recently. This book explains the legal way to obtain U.S. permanent residency especially through national Interests Waiver and Extraordinary Ability. This book is based on my own experience and other three successful cases. It is a completely do-it-yourself kit containing all the critical skills and methods, the necessary forms and samples of detailed petitions. It will save you thousands of dollars and a lot of time. It also contains two original packages of I-140 and I-485 application samples, which would help you to understand professional assembling and formal format. If you think you have not been ready for immigration in these two categories, this book will teach you how to prepare for immigration more early. If you are a student, this book also provides necessary materials and cover letters for immigration through these two categories.

If you want more information about this book, please visit

I would like to help your application through email if you think you still need more assistance after you read this book.

If interested, please email me at

C'mon Ryan you know better than that...

You are asking a very experienced INS officer to allow you to enter the USA permanently and you expect them to accept the fact that you appear to have wriiten the letters yourself?

Regardless of what some members of this forum say these guys know waht they are doing, have seen it all before, and they would simply ask for more evidence.

In addition I would think they would remain suspicious as well they might. It is one thing to ask for a critique of your abilities, quite another to write it yourself.