NIW-please help!


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Could somebody please look at my qualifications and let me know if I have a chance at I-140 approval applying in the EB-2/NIW category:

I am a Medical Doctor from India.
Currently on F-1 visa with CPT.
Doing a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences ongoing year 3 in the Ph.D. program.
Ph.D. program involves doing my research at the National Cancer Institutes, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Been a Visiting Fellow at NIH for the past 2 years.
Currently working with the Phase I clinical trial of a new anticancer agent in various solid tumors.
6 publications - 2 first authors
2 poster presentations at international meetings.
2-3 citations
1 press release on Yahoo Finance about my work.
Excellent letters of recommendations from highly placed people at the National Cancer Institute.

Thanks a lot
Your qualifications seem to be exemplary, however in my opinion the qualifications are relatively small part of a successful NIW case. One may qualify but get denied and vice versa - someone with subpar background may be able to argue convincingly that his going through labor certification would hurt US interests (which is what NIW is all about) and get an approval. Here's another one of my opinions - anyone considering filing an NIW should at least get a professional evaluation.
NIW-please help

thanks lamonte. i did get a professional evaluation from a couple of lawyers. they say i stand a fair chance. but everything depends on the letters of recommendation that i get. they say that it is very important to get excellent LOR from people that have not supervised me directly or know me personally. i have letters only from people that I have worked with directly. Do you agree with that, or is it just one of their ways to market themselves?
It really depends on the caliber of people you're working for. If you only have three letters but one of them is signed by a two-star Army general as was the case with a person on this board not so long ago, you're most probably going to be ok without additional letters. For the rest of us additional letters are required,