NIW, NSC processing time 6/1/07

Hang in there keyuer. I hope soon you will hear something from them. Just give it some more time.
NSC is currently processing NIW cases as of Jun 01, 2006. You are still outside their processing times/dates whatever. Wait for another 2 months I guess then you will be IN and then if still nothing changes or ur case is not processed, then wait for another 30 days before calling USCIS. Thats the rule. ALl the best.

MY NIW case RD is 5/25/06. no LUD at all.
NSC is currently processing NIW cases as of Jun 01, 2006. You are still outside their processing times/dates whatever. Wait for another 2 months I guess then you will be IN and then if still nothing changes or ur case is not processed, then wait for another 30 days before calling USCIS. Thats the rule. ALl the best.

Mine case was sent on 4/7/06 and I called them last month after it was outside and past 30 days. They requested for a research to my case. Two weeks later, I got a letter saying that the processing time is only an estimate and they are in the process of my case. However, it's been a month but the LUD is still the same. I might try to call again if still nothing after another month I think.
I called USCIS yesterday. The Rep said she would file a inquiry to find out what happened and asked me to contact them again if nothing heard from USCIS within 60 days. I think what I can do is waiting.