NIW ND 7-17-02 Passport stamped 11-3-04- please read - very encouraging


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Dear all

I came to the USA from New Delhi, India with a Master's in Microbiology in 1992 - to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry / Molecular biology specializing in protein engineering. In 2000, started a post doc- 7 months at Brigham and Women's hospital - did not get along with the indian jerk of a boss so changed to the main Harvard medical School quad under a fantastic caucasian post doc mentor and a very good friend, a very liberal democrat (Go John Kerry).

In 2002, I submitted a big package of an application for a NIW Based on anti-angiogenesis and anti-cancer cell proliferation therapies. A great overlap between my Ph.D. work and my 2nd Post doc. My Ohio based lawyer and my post doc mentor helped me write a 75 page research summary. I have 6 papers all in international journals, 4 of which are first author. I had 11 letters of recco - 5 from Harvard, 3 from Kent State, 1 from Univ of Hong Kong, 1 from Univ of Bath , UK and 1 from Mass genral hospital. In addition the protein I was working upon had gained a lot of fame and reports had been published in newspapers all over the world- mind you it was not my work but my lab's accomplishment and I was continuing on the same protein called Angiogenin. You may have heard of Judah Folkman's rise to fame - the vascular epidermal growth factor and endostatin - this was in the same league. The lawyer and I made a big case of the importance of my research. The lawyer's language and presentation were flawless and precise - every recco letter and cover letter made a point to address NYSDOT point.

Anyways before I got my I140 approval - I used my EAD to jump onto a start up company in Northern Mass. By the grace of God - I got an NIW approval in April 2004,. I had filed my I-485 in July 2003 - I got that approval last Firday- 3 weeks after our 1st finger print and got my passport stamped at Boston INS a day after the election ( Still - Yay John Kerry). I am still waiting for the plastic to be delivered to my door step

My wife has also had her approval come in, but since she is travlleing on her parole she will get stamped after she returns.

I have been very lucky and I wish that all those who deserve their chance at the american permanant residency, get it. I have derived a lot from this borad, my utmost thanks to Brian and other friends I have made on this board.

I feel very humbled and grateful to the LORD.

It would be my pleasure to help anyone who wants it. I especially have a very soft corner for doctoral students and post docs - I have been there - I understand how it feels.

best regards and wishes
God Bless
We are also starting to work on a group of proteins. One of them is ngogenion. However, our work is the basic biochemstry reserach and will not conduct any therapy. Could you give me some suggestion about how detail I need to write about the research? Any information is highly appreicated.


I was mostly working with protein peptide engineering to find inhibitors for Angiogenin. Did not work with any cell line or animals. It was all basic biochemistry. So expand your research to a level where the officer understands your ground breaking conrtibution. Expand and exaggerate wisely. Please get a good lawyer who has had lot of experience in designing and massaging the case with the right language. I had some people write twice for me and kept sending those letters and other papers as addendums to the INS. I also had a state official call the INS in 2003 -

I put forward the argument that they needed to expedite my case becasue (a) I wanted to write A R-01 (NIH grant) and work at NIH to further this research which meant I should be a permanant resident soon (one can only work at NIH on either J1 or green card); made an argument how going back on to J1 would really harm the nation's interests

(b) I actually missed a meeting in England because of my inability to travel; the conference organisers then wrote directly to INS complaing in about my situation. I had some very good data to present and they were unhappy that I pulled out at the last minute. So Harvard wrote to them, I guess we kept piling the pressure on them slowly and steadily.

So John my advice is - write your petition as if you are writing a grant - you will need creative imagination and lot of thinking. The good thing is that your reviewer is a non science person so stretch but within the limits of practicality.

hope this helps.



Congrats on your success and thanks for sharing your experience/perspective. I am working on the in-vivo imaging end of anti-angiogenesis and am very encouraged.

I had similar issues with travel and grant writing and have made the points to
my attorney, however, she said once the case is there, addendum is useless. From your experience, this does help? I do remember seeing some lines about do not sending addendum in NIW petition guidelines.

Also, my attorney advised me to get independent referrees, but in your case, how did you justify the independence of MGH and Harvard?

Thanks again in advance!
Congratulations!!! Enjoy your freedom! Good luck with your plastic card. You should get it within 60 days.
Hi guys

MGH is a teaching affiliate of HMS but not related to in any way in terms of faculty or reserach divisions. Sure if you work ar MGH you get a Harvard ID and Harvard e-mail a/c, in my case the person writing was the wife of my lab buddy :D :cool: :) :rolleyes:

I did say that I have been lucky.

Sooooooooooooo having said that - Vermont service center is definetly more sympathetic to researchers and scientists - after all it is a blue state ;) other than CSC.

Thanks and let me know if I can be of any more help.

Congrats on the approval. This is definitely encouraging.

I doubt that external pressures built up for your case. My feeling is that you were approved on your own merits. For NIW, I seriously doubt pressure from an international conference could affect adjucation in any way. For the rest of us waiting for adjucation, could we please avoid dumping unncessary stuff on USCIS after the application has been filed? The applicant is supposed to qualify at the time of filing, and having any efforts go towards sorting through updates probably delays the actual adjucation process in general.....

Thank you very much. You have a very strong case. I will prepare my petition letter careful.

n43y said:

I was mostly working with protein peptide engineering to find inhibitors for Angiogenin. Did not work with any cell line or animals. It was all basic biochemistry. So expand your research to a level where the officer understands your ground breaking conrtibution. Expand and exaggerate wisely. Please get a good lawyer who has had lot of experience in designing and massaging the case with the right language. I had some people write twice for me and kept sending those letters and other papers as addendums to the INS. I also had a state official call the INS in 2003 -

I put forward the argument that they needed to expedite my case becasue (a) I wanted to write A R-01 (NIH grant) and work at NIH to further this research which meant I should be a permanant resident soon (one can only work at NIH on either J1 or green card); made an argument how going back on to J1 would really harm the nation's interests

(b) I actually missed a meeting in England because of my inability to travel; the conference organisers then wrote directly to INS complaing in about my situation. I had some very good data to present and they were unhappy that I pulled out at the last minute. So Harvard wrote to them, I guess we kept piling the pressure on them slowly and steadily.

So John my advice is - write your petition as if you are writing a grant - you will need creative imagination and lot of thinking. The good thing is that your reviewer is a non science person so stretch but within the limits of practicality.

hope this helps.

n43y said:
The lawyer and I made a big case of the importance of my research. The lawyer's language and presentation were flawless and precise - every recco letter and cover letter made a point to address NYSDOT point.


Hi KK,

Congrats on your approval. I have a question: How exactly did you get the people to address the NYSDOT point in your reco letters? I am in the process of collecting reco letters myself and perhaps I can do the same.

Sorry I have been on vacation hence could not reply

NYSDOT was addressed by saying "even though workers with minimum qualifications are available but no one is as talented and experienced as the petitioner , lengthy LC proceedings would lead to delay in the research and grant applications , research related travel and the american scientific community may even lose such a brilliant researcher due to LC delay and hurdles.

Never say unique and but say highly specialized, expert, innovative thinker - as per recco letters -

I am not exactly sure what the wordings were but I will go over the letters this weekend and see if I can answer the question better .

By the way I should report that I recieved my plastic green card on the 31st of Dec after pp stamped Nov 3rd.

Thank you GOD and you folks all as well
Happy New Year.



I did read through your post.
Description seemed quite familiar!

All the best on your future endeavors.

From another Indian :)
Now, don't be alarmed!
Dear all

I came to the USA from New Delhi, India with a Master's in Microbiology in 1992 - to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry / Molecular biology specializing in protein engineering. In 2000, started a post doc- 7 months at Brigham and Women's hospital - did not get along with the indian jerk of a boss so changed to the main Harvard medical School quad under a fantastic caucasian post doc mentor and a very good friend, a very liberal democrat (Go John Kerry).

In 2002, I submitted a big package of an application for a NIW Based on anti-angiogenesis and anti-cancer cell proliferation therapies. A great overlap between my Ph.D. work and my 2nd Post doc. My Ohio based lawyer and my post doc mentor helped me write a 75 page research summary. I have 6 papers all in international journals, 4 of which are first author. I had 11 letters of recco - 5 from Harvard, 3 from Kent State, 1 from Univ of Hong Kong, 1 from Univ of Bath , UK and 1 from Mass genral hospital. In addition the protein I was working upon had gained a lot of fame and reports had been published in newspapers all over the world- mind you it was not my work but my lab's accomplishment and I was continuing on the same protein called Angiogenin. You may have heard of Judah Folkman's rise to fame - the vascular epidermal growth factor and endostatin - this was in the same league. The lawyer and I made a big case of the importance of my research. The lawyer's language and presentation were flawless and precise - every recco letter and cover letter made a point to address NYSDOT point.

Anyways before I got my I140 approval - I used my EAD to jump onto a start up company in Northern Mass. By the grace of God - I got an NIW approval in April 2004,. I had filed my I-485 in July 2003 - I got that approval last Firday- 3 weeks after our 1st finger print and got my passport stamped at Boston INS a day after the election ( Still - Yay John Kerry). I am still waiting for the plastic to be delivered to my door step

My wife has also had her approval come in, but since she is travlleing on her parole she will get stamped after she returns.

I have been very lucky and I wish that all those who deserve their chance at the american permanant residency, get it. I have derived a lot from this borad, my utmost thanks to Brian and other friends I have made on this board.

I feel very humbled and grateful to the LORD.

It would be my pleasure to help anyone who wants it. I especially have a very soft corner for doctoral students and post docs - I have been there - I understand how it feels.

best regards and wishes
God Bless

What is the Ohio based lawyer firm? I am in Columbus Ohio and looking for a good lawyer.
How much do the legal services typically cost for this?

How much about was the lawyer fee for this?? And what would one expect to pay for services towards a EB2-NIW? What is the cheapest method?

Dear all

I came to the USA from New Delhi, India with a Master's in Microbiology in 1992 - to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry / Molecular biology specializing in protein engineering. In 2000, started a post doc- 7 months at Brigham and Women's hospital - did not get along with the indian jerk of a boss so changed to the main Harvard medical School quad under a fantastic caucasian post doc mentor and a very good friend, a very liberal democrat (Go John Kerry).

In 2002, I submitted a big package of an application for a NIW Based on anti-angiogenesis and anti-cancer cell proliferation therapies. A great overlap between my Ph.D. work and my 2nd Post doc. My Ohio based lawyer and my post doc mentor helped me write a 75 page research summary. I have 6 papers all in international journals, 4 of which are first author. I had 11 letters of recco - 5 from Harvard, 3 from Kent State, 1 from Univ of Hong Kong, 1 from Univ of Bath , UK and 1 from Mass genral hospital. In addition the protein I was working upon had gained a lot of fame and reports had been published in newspapers all over the world- mind you it was not my work but my lab's accomplishment and I was continuing on the same protein called Angiogenin. You may have heard of Judah Folkman's rise to fame - the vascular epidermal growth factor and endostatin - this was in the same league. The lawyer and I made a big case of the importance of my research. The lawyer's language and presentation were flawless and precise - every recco letter and cover letter made a point to address NYSDOT point.

Anyways before I got my I140 approval - I used my EAD to jump onto a start up company in Northern Mass. By the grace of God - I got an NIW approval in April 2004,. I had filed my I-485 in July 2003 - I got that approval last Firday- 3 weeks after our 1st finger print and got my passport stamped at Boston INS a day after the election ( Still - Yay John Kerry). I am still waiting for the plastic to be delivered to my door step

My wife has also had her approval come in, but since she is travlleing on her parole she will get stamped after she returns.

I have been very lucky and I wish that all those who deserve their chance at the american permanant residency, get it. I have derived a lot from this borad, my utmost thanks to Brian and other friends I have made on this board.

I feel very humbled and grateful to the LORD.

It would be my pleasure to help anyone who wants it. I especially have a very soft corner for doctoral students and post docs - I have been there - I understand how it feels.

best regards and wishes
God Bless