NIW decision--newbie


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Hi Guys,

I am a newbie to the post though I am dealing with a really bad
(read 'sick') boss and I am thinking of joining PhD. I will have 1.5 yrs of H1 left after the PhD.

I have been waiting for nearing three years for my
LC approval from the PABEC...and no news still. I have a PhD offer
from a good school in the US. Have 14 papers published (including
three in review) of which 4 of them are book chapters and one is a
conference paper. All of the papers I am the first author. The rest
are international US journal papers.

Do I take the plunge and begin my PhD
PhD program and during my PhD apply for the Greencard with the
EB2 NIW? My research is in an area with wide applications in engineering
across board. Please evaluate my case..and let me know what is
best..also from retrogressed country.

Will I have enough time for the greencard once I join my PhD with 1.5 yrs
left on H1 only??

Thanks, rr-green.
I am submitting my own reply to the post..

Please let me know your kind views on where I stand on these
issues. Also inputs regarding 1.5 yrs being enough time for filing
with a NIW when I can go for 7th year extensions would be much