NIW and/or EB1 ? Please help.


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Dear all,
please help me to decide what category I could use. My info:
PhD from US university, Biochemistry
5 articles in international journals (1 in Cell)
about 50 citations
One of my methods is used by about 30 labs including those in Europe. Therefore I can easily get recommendation letters from scientists who do not know me personally but use my method.
I will also have 2-3 recommendation letters from members of Nat. Academy of Sciences.

I also wonder whether two petitions can be filed simultaneously (EB1 and NIW)?

Thanks a lot!
aak3058 said:
Dear all,
please help me to decide what category I could use. My info:
PhD from US university, Biochemistry
5 articles in international journals (1 in Cell)
about 50 citations
One of my methods is used by about 30 labs including those in Europe. Therefore I can easily get recommendation letters from scientists who do not know me personally but use my method.
I will also have 2-3 recommendation letters from members of Nat. Academy of Sciences.

I also wonder whether two petitions can be filed simultaneously (EB1 and NIW)?

Thanks a lot!

What are you currently doing ? If working in a permanent position in academia or industry go for OR. If you are postdoc OR won't work. NIW is in the moment more or less EA + national interest, so you have to decide if your work is of national interest, just read some old threads to get an idea. If you can go for EA depends also on national awards, memberships, acting as referee etc.etc. . So you should write a little bit more about your qualifications in more detail to get an idea if EA is realistic. With what you wrote I would say good chances in OR but not in EA.
Thanks, honkman.
Here is something I forgot to post:

Currently postdoc
About 6 international conferences (USA, Russia)
No reviews

1) I've heard many times OR won't work (for postdocs). Therefore I thought about either EB1 or EB2 (advanced degree holder) + NIW. My guess is that chances are higher with EB2.
2) Can I file both petitions at once?

Is it true that OR don't work for post docs?
Well, In my institute all postdocs are having OR based GCs.
well, offcially they are Research associate and enjoy benefits like health and retirement.
any comments!!
Post-doc vs Research Associate

Post doc and research associate are very different job description wise. I would say that a majority of AAO decisions regarding OR reject OR petitions filed by post-docs. Things also have changed recently, so just because someone got OR 4 years ago as a post doc does not mean it will work now.
aak3058 said:
Thanks, honkman.
Here is something I forgot to post:

Currently postdoc
About 6 international conferences (USA, Russia)
No reviews

1) I've heard many times OR won't work (for postdocs). Therefore I thought about either EB1 or EB2 (advanced degree holder) + NIW. My guess is that chances are higher with EB2.
2) Can I file both petitions at once?


Being a post doc precludes you from LC. NIW and EA are the only avenues open to you now. I do not see a reason why NIW will not work for you if you can tailor the petition correctly. Maybe consult with a lawyer?
I appreciate all your inputs.
Regarding NIW, does anyone know how my current PI should describe my work so that the third prong is covered?

I still struggle to understand the point of the third prong (do I have to be the ONLY one in the field who can do this research, or should I be the BEST one?)

Thank you!
You may be able to satisfy two criteria for EB1-EA: major contributions, and publications. Make sure your recommenders emphasize that a publication in cell is quite prestigious (were you the first author?). I dont see how you can satisfy another criteria as it is. If you have reviewed other people's manuscripts or abstracts, then you might have a chance.

EA and NIW can be filed simultaneously, or one after the other.
eb1doc said:
Is it true that OR don't work for post docs?
Well, In my institute all postdocs are having OR based GCs.
well, offcially they are Research associate and enjoy benefits like health and retirement.
any comments!!

What is your institute? I heard Columbia U. does this kind of nice thing to postdocs there.
Go for it!

Go for both EB-1 EA as well as EB-2NIW. Your credentials are strong. If you draft your reference letters and petition carefully, you can do it! Drafting the documents is the key. But you can do it, don't be discouraged!
Thank you all, guys.
I am at one of University of California locations. Not Columbia U :-(
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You may try EA, as you may claim the following if you get good reference letters:

1. Material published about you ... based on you citation.
2. Original scientific contributions... based on your method, publication, and reference letter.
3. Authorship of scholarly article in your field based on your publication (5 articles look a little weak in number but it depends on the quality of your paper.)
aak, if you didn't/don't have a decent job offer (or you cannot prove you will have one anytime), then I don't think there is a good chance in NIW. In NIW you need to prove that US people need you to continue to work in US. A decent job offer is a good argument that, at least part of, the US people want you to stay here and work.

I think you should try EA. The number of papers doesn't count. What counts is the independent citations. If those 50 citations are all independent citations, then I don't see a chance that CIS will question your original contribution and scholary articles.