Nightmare is over. RFE case was approved!!


New Member
Hi, Friends,

I have been a loyal visitor of this forum since I filed my I-140 case three years ago. Thanks for all the information I got here. Also thanks for the sponsor of this website. I can always get good answers and encouragement when I was in bad situation.

My case and my wife\'s case all got approved on March 4th. I got this from the AVM. Here is the details about us:

PD -- Dec. 26, 1999 Filed I-140 directly with NIW
AD -- Jul. 24, 2000 I-140 approved
ND -- Feb. 12, 2001 Filed I-485 for me and my wife
FD -- Jun. 01, 2001 Fingerprint done
RFE -- Nov. 14,2001 RFE for medical form (The doctor sumbitted a totally blank form to INS. Don\'t go there again for Physical Examination. My friend got an RFE several days ago for similar problem -- wrong form submitted. The doctor\'s office is in Franconia of Northern Virginia -- Travel Clinic)
RFE submitted -- Dec. 12, 2001
AD -- Mar. 04, 2002 Wait for over three months to get the approval

In a word, I think the GC application is just a waiting game. Your patience is the only virtue you need to win it. BTW, we never used a lawyer, all cases were self-petitioned.

Good luck. RFE waiting friends.

I will have same problem!!!!

Congrats! Enjoy your freedom.
You know what, I\'m afraid that I\'m going to have same nightmare like you. Since I went to the SAME doctor office -- travel clinic!!! That sucks!!!! Please give me some suggestion what I can do right now or what I should do if I get RFE as you did!

Thank u so much!
What you need to do when you get RFE

Right now, you can just wait for your luck because you need to see what is going to happen over INS. If you don\'t get RFE for this, you are lucky. If otherwise, you need to call the doctor first to make an appointment. It seems that he has another office (or home) in Howard County so he is not always in Fronconia. When you go there, take the RFE with you and let him redo/complete the medical form according to the instructions from the RFE letter.

BTW, just talk to another friend (the third victim I know by far) and astonished to know that he got RFE also for this problem and this doctor. The reason is that INS seems asking for a supplemental form since last April but the doctor didn\'t attach this one. Don\'t know when the doctor became aware of this new policy but I am sure that there will be a lot victims because of this.
No Title

Thanks you for your reply, HHY.
I feel hopeless right now :-{. How can a person do bussiness like this??!!! As to your case, how can he submit a totally blank form??
What is his intention? or he is blind?
Did anybody who used the Travel Clinic get approved without medical RFE?

I may have the same problem! Why should this guy have done so many times wrong? (Franconia of Northern Virginia -- Travel Clinic)

Anybody who used the same doctor\'s service got approved without medical RFE, please share your experience. Thank you.
Maybe you guys should sue him after you get approved....

What a stupid assh.... He screws people life... You guys should be angry.
What is supplemental form ?

Hello, everyboday,

My lawyer provided me the I-693 form of Medical Examination of Aliens seeking Adjustment of Status (one page), and it did not contain any information regarding to THE SUPPLEMENTAL FORM. I believe that the employee in Doctor\'s office did not put THE SUPPLEMENTAL FORM in. Dose everyone have such experience? Thanks a lot for your share.
No Title

I saw your RD is in May, I believe your lucky day is comming soon. Hope the guy didn\'t screw your case up. Please keep in touch. Please let me know when you hear any thing from INS.

I also used this doctor in Franconia.

Both I myself and one of my friend used this doctor. We both got RFE but not for medical though. His is for employment letter and mine is for Finger Print, which is even slower than medical forms!!!

Good luck,
question about the FP updating on INS direct

Hi, all, I am new here, did my FP on Feb 8, but still did not heard about the information being updated on the INS direct. anyone had similar experience? Should I contact FBI about it? Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

i also went to same doctor...and waiting for approval

Myself & two/threee friends went same doctor. He\'s bloody Paki dumb. i visited some time late august 2001 and my RD is 09/07. Not sure what will be in my case. any sugesstion to call IIO and ask them.