nice article...

Absolutely biased and completely wrong information. The author doesn't know anything about Hinduism(In pure sense), Islam, Christianity or even and even other faith(s). His view are narrow-minded and shows the signs of lack of vision and wisdom. These kinds of articles should not entertained in this forum.

One of the worst articles I have ever read, just my opinion. I would have to agree with Mallu. The author had few good points, but thats about it. Its like watching a completely dumb movie just because it had couple of good scenes in it (to put in lighter terms).

If I find some time today, I will write to editors of and also possibly to the author of the article it self

I wanted to take pains to point out where he blundered big time but did not want to spend time.



I agree to the article in principle, I think Francis suggests a rather hardlined approach as the solution. True, it irks a lot of Indians when Pakistan gets maximum (and positive) media coverage under the anti-terror banner while they openly support terrorist activities in India, it is not in the best interest of Indians to use LTTE as the role model.
In my opinion, a more powerful approach would be for all Indians to refrain from showing up for work one day (en masse) to show what we stand for. However, given the unity amongst us (as illustrated several times on this same forum), I really doubt that it would ever happen ;) So lets just be content watching our own people join hands with those who are on a mission to make India and Indians look bad.
I think article was OK, based on some facts ..but thats just my opinion.

I think article was OK, based on some facts ..but thats just my opinion.
I know, no one cares :eek:
agree with some of his thoughts.
like press coverage given to india or indian issues.
i still remember when some indian lady(may be lara dutta) became
miss world or universe, nothing was shown on any channel except a 2 to 3 seconds clip on tv. and i have seen 2 to 3 mins coverage for some minor issues against india.
agree media tv/new paper/radio dont show better sides of india, and ppl dont believe that we are also advanced, like one of my college friend was asking me, are there any street lights in india?
its not his fault the american schools teach them that. like my cousine's teacher was telling in his class that in third world country ppl eat spicy food because they dont have enough food to eat!!! i didnt understand his teacher's point?
the botom line is the publicity of indian is very negative in this country.
by the way have you seen them playing any other games besides
base ball, basket ball, super ball and ice hockey, they dont want to accept any other country's game. and they say its world championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!who else is playing those games in this world.
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just another street talk

... Just whatever you talk on the street with nothing to back it. It is like a desi politician making a statement with lot of die hard followers saying "HAIL ...... "[proof not required, truth not required. Just two people to say that it is true]
Isnt this an immigration portal?
I think talking about Hinduism/LTTE/Next Gen Indians are remotely connected with this forum,,, Dude, We are more worried about The F1,H1, I140 and EAD's here than what my unborned son is going to sing at Diwalee,,,