News on my case- December RFE


Registered Users (C)

I was working at my desk on my computer when suddenly I got this screen with a LIN number saying "Status Change Alert". It turns out that a long time ago I had installed that script that somebody posted that monitors cases on the background and I had forgotten about it.
Anyway, it was funny because I had checked my case status on the BCIS web page this morning and I did not see any change at all. So I though, one more day, no news, same crap.....we will see tomorrow....

Then I got that screen.....
Well this is what the change on status says:

On April 30, 2003, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and you have not received the notice, Please contact the service center where you submitted your application during business hours.

I am happy...... :) at least somebody at NSC opened my folder, read a couple of pages and decided that they needed more least they got to my case.
I do not know the details yet but hopefully it will be work related...I still have same job...

I will let you know the details as soon as I get the letter or my lawyer does.

No change on my wife's case.
I feel one inch closer .......

PD 12/01/2001
RD 12/05/2001
ND 12/10/2001
EAD 01/16/2002
FP 04/04/2002
RFE 04/30/2003
That is the best piece of news I've heard in a very long time. This indicates that they have started working on the December cases now. Thanks a lot for posting this refreshing news. Please keep us posted.


RD 12/11/2001
ND 12/14/2001
FP 4/11/2002
Here is the script


The script was develped by Custer and it can be downloaded from the following web page:

Here are some notes that he posted before:

Junior Member
I have developed a little application to monitor the status of a very small number of cases (20 only). Mostly because I was bored, but also because I found checking the BCIS case status site often depressing because the status never changes.

What it does is you can enter up to 20 receipt numbers into the main window and the program will look up the case status on the BCIS site. The first time it does this it creates a txt file containing the case status for each case. On subquent checks it compares that status to the one on file and will display an alert if the status has changed. It only does a literal check so for example when the INS became the BCIS it said the status had changed. I have also seen some other false positives as well. When it finds a change it creates a change history file recording the each changed message. For more information you should check the help tab. The only thing that doesn't really work right yet is that it is not managing a dial up connection properly, ie it will connect you to the internet, it just does not hang up the modem, so on dial up it cannot be run in unattended mode. On a LAN it seems to work great. The program allows the user to select a review period of between 3 and 24 hours. The default is 6 hrs.
Luck To You

I am glad that my application :)its not a script:) gave you your welcome news. Its always nice to hear that someone is using it. Personally I never bother manually checking the case status site, I just leave the app running in the background and hope that oneday it will tell me something I want to hear. (My cases has had the same 'we sent you a finger print notice' message for over a year now.
Got more news

Thanks for the application Custer.

I just talked to my lawyer. She got the RFE this morning. RFE is for employment verification.

I will keep you posted.....
I think this forum is following your case with some interest as this would be the firmest evidence yet that NSC is beginning to open Dec.'01 cases of so-called flagged countries. Thanks for keeping us posted. However, the disparity in RFE generation rates between VSC and NSC is very striking. I will start a separate thread on this topic so people can comment on it.

what are "so-called flagged countries"? what countries are on the list? Most applicants who have moved into Dec are also from India. I thought India was free of it. Do they go by country by country when they approve?
As you probably have noticed from the posts of fellow members who run scripts on the INS website, a significant number of cases (say, 50 - 60%) have already been approved, well ahead of the timeframe that is apparent from rupnet approval postings. Based on loose logic and anecdotal evidence, folks have inferred that this could be attributed to the fact that rupnet population predominantly comes from so-called flagged countries, a term that is used to describe a hypothetical list of countries comprising of India, the NSEER group, and perhaps a few others that are home to relatively large muslim populations.

India is not yet declared to be a part of the NSEER grouping, but a few participants that hail from India have reported, in various threads here, intrusive seraches and interrogations at border points/port of entry even though they had the necessary paperwork with them. This has led to the suggestion that there is a larger list of countries, beyond the ones in the group covered by special registration requirements, that are subject to increased scrutiny.

I have assumed (perhaps prematurely - maybe bulova can confirm) that bulova is from one of the flagged countries. Given that INS appears to have started the adjudication process in bulova's case, I was hoping that it is indicative of things to come for the rest of us 'blighted' folks here.
Indian’s have been posting I485 approval regularly. I don’t know if this is because of the % of users or something else. But I personally will become optimistic (cautiously) only when users from NSEERs countries start posting approvals on a daily basis. Rgds, sadiq
flagged countries

To answer Sankrityayan's question.
I am from the country just south of the border (andale, andale, arriba, arriba)......
I do not know if Mexico clasifies as a flagged country.
Thanks, bulova. I do not believe Mexico is one of them. I guess I was being a bit too eager there (We never learn, do we?).
Could be but I doubt it. Mexican-Americans are a significant lobby in the US and I doubt the administration has the cojones to do that. Of course, I wouldn’t put it past them either.

I am very, very, very happy to tell you that my case and my wife's case have been approved. They were approved yesterday. I checked the Nebraska phone line this morning and I heard the messages. I entered my number about 5 times just to have the pleasure to hear those wonderful words......"This case has been approved..."

I feel like if one more day had passed I would have become mad.
To tell you the truth this stress along with my work stress and the economy environment and all together was putting a great strain on my health, my mood and my sense of happyness.

I have had many fights with my wife lately and I think all due to this stress.
I took a deep breath this morning after the wonderful news and started singing that song...... "Good times....bad times....give me some of them...."

I wish you all the best. I will keep coming to this forums and Rupnet once in a while because they helped me a lot. It gave me the feeling that I was not alone and I felt like a part of a big family.

Take care......

Mario (Bulova)