News: My friend spoke with IIO today, IIO told him that FP queue was stopped until October 2002.


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News: My friend spoke with IIO today, IIO told him that FP queue was stopped until October 2002. I do not have any conformations of it, but seams to be it is a fact. My friend\'s RD 08/2001.
Here are some details

Here are some details,
His SC is Vermont
The part of his family (4 people) already got their FP at December 31,he was trying to find out when the others will get FP, IIO told him that queue finished exactly on his name at December 21, and will be started again in October 2002 and they do it dose by dose. This is that I know. He is a serious man I trust him. Maybe somebody will conform that or denied this information.
Looks like that is a very huge family! 4 is only part of. Is 4 minority or majority? Best wishes to

man , wife , son 17 years and daughter 16 years old, all of them need FP

man , wife , son 17 years and daughter 16 years old, all of them need FP
I don\'t believe it either

My friend in Boston got FP notice for January 31st 2002. The notice was mailed around 12/24 since he received it in the mail on 12/31.
IIOs are different, myself I think something not clear here and I cannot conform or denied it. but

Please ignore this. I know two of my colleagues...

who have got finger print notice yesterday and issued on 24th Dec in both case. So have some peace. This is positive news no second hand information. One of those two colleague is my officemate. So its authentic. If someone is still not convince or need more info, will be glad to answer.