Newark walk in i-EAD experience-Approved!


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Hi guys, just would like to share the walk in iEAD experience at Newark, NJ.
My current EAD was expiring on 21st May and the EAD application was 95 days old without any response. So me & my wife took a chance to go for i-EAD at Newark leaving our newborn at home with somebody.
Went to Broadstreet Office at 5:30 AM, there was already a long line of people (over 100 guys) already waiting. Within minutes I have made so many friends from many of the countries and we all unanymously started discussing about our dear USCIS & their impacts on our lives with all our passions (frustrations?) Believe me, I have made so many friends I did not make in last 3 years, ha ha ha :D We exchanged our phone numbers, cards, talked about new business opportunities and for a moment I thought if any "Amway" guy was here he might have made a big "FORTUNE" :eek:
Guys who filed their 485 thr' marriage based, family based, employment based all are in the same boat and praying to god for miracles to happen. :(
Anyways long story short, there were many big guys in brown dresses (security) scaring people here & there making a scene like we are all prisoners and making us feeling guilty about ourselves that we are immigrants.
At about 8:45 AM we got in the building, 9:30 AM at the information window, 10:00 AM at the EAD window, 11:30 AM for the pictures & FPs and 11:45 AM we got our interim EADs. The whole process sounded like piece of Cake adn we were happy to go home dying to see if our baby was doing alright n stuff!

People, all the best wishes with you and may we all get our approvals pretty soon.
Thanks for reading.
Thanx for sharing the info...

Question : Just to confirm. Do they take Finger prints for iEAD ?

Do you suggest to go late instead of going early morning and waiting for so long. by the way how long this office is open and what is the last time that we can enter in ?
and pls pls tell me (even though this has been shared by others) what docs U took.

Your story was so funny.
Congrats on getting iEAD...

But do we really need it? According to my lawyer, if application for EAD is with INS, we are legal to work. He told me i don't really need to get iEAD, when my application was pending.
Your lawyer is wrong. You need an approved EAD to work- EAD has clearly a specified start and end date. Merley applying for EAD is not enough-that is why interim-EAD's are provided. :eek:
Sky_Drow said:
Thanx for sharing the info...

Question : Just to confirm. Do they take Finger prints for iEAD ?

Do you suggest to go late instead of going early morning and waiting for so long. by the way how long this office is open and what is the last time that we can enter in ?

Yes, they do take Finger Print of the INDEX finger only! You should try reaching the line at about 5 AM. Wednesdays the office is closed!
fira said:
Congrats on getting iEAD...

But do we really need it? According to my lawyer, if application for EAD is with INS, we are legal to work. He told me i don't really need to get iEAD, when my application was pending.

Hi, you should have a valid EAD all the time, application receipt for EAD is not considered as EAD. But the loophole is if your employer does not care about this, then the delayed approval will be back to back dated anyways! (My opinion)
jrao124 said:
and pls pls tell me (even though this has been shared by others) what docs U took.

Your story was so funny.
I took,

1) Copy of I-140 Approval notice
2) Copy of I-485 receipt
3) New filled I-765
4) Copies of passport pages
5) Old EAD (Original)
6) Online EAD status pending message copies (Just in case)

The rest of the procedure is staright! Good luck you will get it!
sb_tiger said:
EADs are never back dated, they maybe forward dated to avoid over-lapping periods.

Right, What I meant was if EAD is expiring on 21st of May 2004 and you have applied for the new one, the new one will be starting from 22nd May 2004 to 21st May 2005.

My EAD expired on Feb 22, 04. The new EAD i got, is valid from March 7, 04.

According to my lawyer, during that missing period, I am ok to work. Also, i don't need iEAD. Both were based on fact that my application is with INS and I have reciept notice.

gurufromnj said:
I took,

1) Copy of I-140 Approval notice
2) Copy of I-485 receipt
3) New filled I-765
4) Copies of passport pages
5) Old EAD (Original)
6) Online EAD status pending message copies (Just in case)

The rest of the procedure is staright! Good luck you will get it!

Thanks, gurufromnj. which pages did U copy of passport? all?

Passport Pages (jrao)

I copied the first three pages of the passport, and last 2, showing addresses, pictures, I-94, etc. I think except blank & old Visa stamped pages it's better if you take a copy of all pages with you

sb_tiger said:
Your lawyer is wrong. You need an approved EAD to work- EAD has clearly a specified start and end date. Merley applying for EAD is not enough-that is why interim-EAD's are provided. :eek:

I totally agree with the sb_tiger, FIRA, check with your lawyer, because I confirmed with my lawyer & he insisted me to acquire "i-EAD". EAD has clear dates mentioned on it & you can not work in between these dates. But advise will be "On Vacation" scenario during this period. (As suggested by many forums)
Can I go for i-EAD?

Hi Guys,
My current EAD is expiring on June 6th. I have applied for my EAD on April 10th and have not got any response. I know that I do not have 90 days before my current EAD expires, so can I go for interim-EAD at newark, NJ. Does the local INS (newark, nj) grant me iEAD, if I carry all the required docs, even though it is not 90 days since I have applied for? My employer is insisting to have a valid EAD and the EAD receipt notice is not enough for the payroll dept.

Could someone please suggest what I should do.

Oh! Man...Why did you not apply before?

You are really in a hard place. I can tell you from personal experience that the Newark BCIS office took me in even though I was 87 days only!

All I can say is You should still try going to Newark...sadly, i dont think you have a choice but to go there and try!!

Attached is my personal experience:


1st things first.

If you have an attorney or attorney firm helping you, ask them to create all your required documents and give them to you so you are not fumbling at the Newark BCIS location.

I will tell you what I took.

1) Original EAD card that was issued last to me. - They will take that away from you, I will will tell you further down in the message when that will happen.

2) Take a copy of the receipt notice for the latest EAD filing - This they need to make sure you are actually 90 days behind. I went when I was away only 87 days behind, they still took me in

3) Take a copy of the I 485 reciept notice to prove why you need the EAD

4) Take completed applications for applying for the EAD, I can't remember whatever the name is I 765 or whatever

5) Take copies of the passport pages that prove your identity.

6) Take a G28 form which I believe is for the attorney representing you. I don't know if it's a reqd form or not, so better check!

7) Take your passport also with you.


Now for the location itself.

The address of the place is

970 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Assuming that you are driving. Here's what you should do. If you are on Broad street coming from RT 1/9 and the Newark airport area, this 970 Broad street is on the RIGHT HAND side. The place is a Mult-Story building, can't really see any SIGNS!


The building is not accessible by CAR. Its part of a federal buildings area, plenty of GOVT buildings around it so you cannot drive up to it.


From Broad Street, make a right on to E. Kinney and then make your first left on to Orchard Street. This is the closest you can get to 970 Broad by CAR. There is a public parking lot on Orchard Street. It will cost you a maximum of $11 there.

Park at this lot. TRUST me it's worth every dollar to be close to you car after the long wait you will endure at 970 Broad.


I got there at any unearthlly 1 AM!!! YOU DON'T.

If you get there by 4:30 AM, it should be plenty. You will be among the 1st 15-30 to get in from your line.

The LINE forms on the opposite side of the street from the building. There is a children's TOT LOT, that's where you need to be.

At 7 AM, a fellow wearing a BROWN SUIT will show up and start checking for the ID's. Dunno why!! But he does. All you need to show is a Driver's License.

He will ask people who have Appts to form a separate line, those folks get to go in FIRST. By the way for IEAD's they dont give APPTS.

At about 8 AM they will start letting you in, you will go through a Metal detector with a mean security guard who will warn you that you will be arrested if you have any contraband! So you better don't!

After the Metal Detector you will be asked to go up to the 3rd FLOOR. I know some people have written down in previous message that it's the 2nd Floor and then the 13th Floor....etc... All that has now changed. Everything you need to do is on the same FLOOR. Make sure you get into the correct elevator, every elevator does not go to teh 3rd floor! I did not see any signs warning me about it, hopefully there is one when you get there.

On the 3rd floor, after you get off the elevator, tell the guard you are there for iEAD and she will send you to a line which is on the left hand side of the corridor. The line leads up to 7 windows dedicated for people like you with no APPTS. Rest assured only a couple of those windows will be continously manned!

The lady here will check your docs. Primarily she will need the Application for for an iEAD and the reciept notice to prove that you are 90 days behind. She will confirm your identity and the like and will ask you to take a seat until your name is called. Depending on when you got to this lady, you may wait for about 30-45 minutes, unless they are severely backlogged by the time you saw an agent at the counter. This wait will be the EASY ONE.

Make sure you stay within the 1st 5 rows of seating so you can be within EARSHOT when your name is spelled. When you are called, you will be given a WHITE ENVELOPE with some reciept staped to it. DON'T OPEN IT.

You will be asked to go the FAR END of that room to a place where a lot of people will be sitting. There will be a SIGN saying EAD so go that area of the room. With out waiting go straight to the 1st counter on the RIGHT and handover your WHITE ENVELOPE and take a seat in front of the counters.

This is where you will achieve your NIRVANA of getting your iEAD. Hope and pray that they will call your name soon, It took them 3 hours to call me, so be prepared for an AGONIZING wait. You will see that there is no reasoning on who get's called FIRST. This place will operate as if they are in no REAL Hurry.

When someone said PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE, they must've waited at the EAD counter.

WHEN you are called the fellow at the counter will ask for YOUR EAD and KEEP IT. He will ask for your PASSPORT and verify your DOB, First Name , Last Name, Middle Name and ADDRESS. AFter that GUESS WHAT!!

WAIT AGAIN until they call you. But this wait should be relatively short. You will be called in a batch of 6-7 people to take a MUGSHOT. SO be sure to SMILE. Your ordeal is coming to an END. Before your mugshot, you will get fingerprinted. After the mugshot, you guessed it, You go back out and WAIT until you are called again to receieve your PRIZE (iEAD).

Don't RUN out of the place YET, be DAMN sure to check that they did not screw up any info on that iEAD card, if they did, then have them correct it right then, sorry that will mean more waiting.

If everything looks good, then get the HELL out of that place.

Once you get your EAD, go have a PARTY, if you did not get any sleep the night before, then Go and Get some SLEEP.

Good LUCK.

NyBanker, thanks a lot for the information. I know I am in hard place, but will try my luck. I am going to contact my attorney and prepare well with the docs.

Thanks again.
Wow, nybanker1, you really have a lot of patience to put all that in. Very useful , thanks. I have to go thru this ordeal next week, so I know what to expect. Why do they make it so damn hard?
thanks, gurufromnj also.
