Newark Stamping Experience:

Lakshman Brahma

Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,
It is me once again to share my PP Stamping experience.
We reached the INS office at broad st well ahead of time ie around 7:30 AM and were surprised to see about 60 people already ahead of us.
Around 8:00 Am They let us inside after making to go us thro a Metal detector to Room where they collected all EADs,APs, I-94s, and 2 ADIT style photographs. They also took the index finger impression and asked us to sign Form 551.(Nothing was required to be filled). Afer which we moved in to another Room where we were asked to wait for the PP to be stamped with an estimated wait time of about 55minutes. However our turn came with in 30 minutes.( there are about 10 counters and hence the speed).
When our turn came we went to the Counter and handed over the PPs. No questions asked and PP stamped.
we were out by 9:25 AM. Since we had taken a day off went strait to SSN office and applied SSN for the Kids, got ours also applied due to change of status.
Folks finally it was over by 12:00 Pm and celebrated with a good Lunch outside.

Thanks once again for all you folks for the moral support, Rajiv Khanna for allowing me in this board, and Good luck, best wishes for all you folks who are so close and who are new to this long drawn process!!!

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Congratulations! Have a nice \'post-GC\' life here with your family. And good luck.
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Congratulations and best wishes..

How old are yr kids ? Are they required to come to INS?

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They are not required. Their cards were already ordered. However we wanted their PP also to be stamped and hence we took them.

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Did your SSNs changed or did officers simply remove the message that says "needs INS authorization to work"?


-Bosco *8)
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The new status is "legal alien allowed to work". I hope the message in your SSN card"Valid For work only" will be deleted and will be issued a new card w/o any restrictions.