Newark Stamping experience

Oak Tree

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We get to the Rodino Building by 5:30 and park on E. Kinney Street. We saunter around and ask a portly Police Officer, who very politely points to a building adjacent to USPS and Court House. Great start I think as I get in line with very few people ahead of us. A chatty guy in front informs us that on Mondays the line starts to form at 12AM and on Wednesdays the lineup is less heavy as INS has reserved that day for appointments only. I shake my head in wonder and make the appropriate noises. At 6AM a comely Hispanic joins the line saying that she has been waiting in front of the building and as she did not notice any people she decided to check the rear entrance. Time goes by as I remind myself once again to kick myself for not parking in the free parking lot (till 12PM) right next to the building. Some sparrows and pigeons chase each other in the courtyard in front as my wife squeaks how horribly dirty pigeons are. At 7:10AM a security guard walks up and pleasantly informs us that today is only for appointments and requests to see the letter. He directs us to the door at the rear entrance. An argument breaks out between the beautiful Hispanic and an incredibly rude guy who looked to be from the sub-continent. What a guy, he has spoiled his day as well as the lady’s. The same security guard once again checks our letters as he directs us to line up in front of the X-ray machine. He calls my sweet wife ‘cutie pie’ and is immediately in my wife’s good books. I should try that one of these days. All personal items, like wallets/keys, have to be offloaded from person and cell phones switched off. We are given warning of dire consequences in terms of $75 dollar summons if we use the restroom before 8AM. We pass through the security check without event. Lineup again this time inside an office, which could be any government office in India minus the ubiquitous damp brown files and the fact, that everything in this office works. Several of my undernourished countrymen with weak expressions are also in line. Do I look the same? What happened to those razor sharp looks that I used to see in those hostel years oh so long ago. The security guard asks everyone to take out their approval letter, I-94 Arrival/Departure record, EAD and photos. At 7:30 we are called to the counter where a lady makes us sign on the I-551, which she has slipped behind a metal frame. We do this with some difficulty because of the small frame. The lady then takes our index finger print after specifically asking us not to press on the pad. She then encloses all documents in a semi-transparent wax paper envelope and then staples the approval notice and our call number. We are then directed to Room 135 where thankfully we find seats and no lineup. At 8AM Officer Johnson calls us and after wishing us a Good Morning proceeds to stamp the passports with the most unassuming stamp one can imagine and also notes the EAC and A number on it. She then explains that this is all we need to travel and that we are all set. My wife brightly wishes her a good day and she replies us the same very pleasantly. I kiss my wife as we come out and propose we go and have our favorite egg and cheese croissant and coffee at Dunkin Donuts across Broad Street. Outside the morning heat hits us like a wall. We walk to Dunkin Donuts where an incredibly polite person, who also gives us a free morning paper, serves us. Is it going to as easy as it was today I think as I join the snaking office traffic?
One question????

in the from, did they ask you to sign or to print your first name and Last name?? because I got PP stamped today at NY, her that
lady asked us to print our fist name and last name on ther form under the metal sheet.

Eventually, by what time did you get out?

Also, I presume that you were not there on a Wednesday? If you go on a Wednesday, I am told that you do not have to go that early (like 5:30 am). Am I right? I am planning to go for my stamping next wednesday. Any info is apprecated.
Thank you guys!!

I went on a Wednesday and yes you do not need to go early. Good time is around 6:30-7AM, but nowadays with INS processing 485s rather rapidly this might change.

I only signed on I-551. The lady filled out all the other details from the passport.

I am not from Pilani but from a place where the earth is still red from all that ruckus 2500 yrs ago.
No Title

Oak Tree - Fun to Read article. Like others said your should ( may be you are ) taking up writing.

Good Luck.
