Newark, NJ - N-400 Timeline

My interview is scheduled for 11/15/10.

Next week some of you guys are scheduled for interview. Please share your experiences after your interview. Good luck to you guys.
I can't beleive that I predict things so well for others. Guess what? I can't predict anything for myself. Wish you good luck.

My interview is scheduled for 11/15/10.

Next week some of you guys are scheduled for interview. Please share your experiences after your interview. Good luck to you guys.
thanks for predicting it correctly. I wish you had predicted it to be a week earlier so that I would have got my ID a week earlier :)
This is a good one, my friend. My wife had a big kick out of it and I had a big laughter too. Since last night, my wife has been picking on me, no matter what I say.
Anyhow, good luck to you.

thanks for predicting it correctly. I wish you had predicted it to be a week earlier so that I would have got my ID a week earlier :)
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Hi desi9999 - My interview is also on 1st nov at 10:00. Is there a list of docs you are taking with you. Also, can you take kids with you at the interview center?
First of all Congrats....I missed you for a week or so. I don't think they can refuse entry of your kids to waiting area but perhaps they won't let them in with you to interview room. So I would make some baby sitting arrangements. As long as documents are concerned, they can ask you any document they like and has no relavence with the case. However, to get a good idea, please click on the following:

Hi desi9999 - My interview is also on 1st nov at 10:00. Is there a list of docs you are taking with you. Also, can you take kids with you at the interview center?
passport VS Citizenship Cert

Hi guys,

If the case based on marriage, can I use my wife's passport instead of her certificate, she lost it!! we only sent a copy when I did the N-400 filing.
Not sure what the requirement is here, but here is what I would recommend - file an N-600 ASAP for her certificate. Take the passport, a copy of the certificate (if you have a copy) and proof of filing an N-600 for a replacement certificate. I think that should cover you and possibly the best you can do. Worst case, they will ask you to submit a copy by mail when you receive it after the interview.

P.S - Not a lawyer... just like you waiting in line :)
How was your experience yesterday at the interview. Hopefully everything was smooth.

at123 - good luck for your interview.
aztekbs Thxs

Went to Newark office today, spouse was scheduled for 10a and was called in for interview at 11 40a. lasted 10 minutes, usual question. didn't ask for any documents other than PP, GC and DL. I was called in at 1 20p and was in interview room by 1 55p and out within 10 minutes. Again, didn't look up any document other than GC, PP and DL. Spouse decided to take oath later, as need to visit India within next two months. I went ahead and had myself run through the oath scheduled for 4 30p today and by 4 45p worked out as a US Citizen.

Question asked between spouse and me:

1. Head of military
2. Border state of Mexico
3. 3 states which represent 13 stripes
4. Border state of Canada.
5. total num in House of representation
6. father of country
7. who is chief justice


Too much crowd in the morning session, afternoon session was almost half and thereby easy wait. Thereby timelines till now

PD /RD : Jun 15 2010
FP : Jul 29th 2010
YL : Aug 13 2010
LO transfer : Sep 18th (hope i got this right)
IL and oath : Oct 21 2010

Hope this helps the forum members.


Dear Friends,
Sorry for not posting my status last week as I got held up with other work.
At last I got my US citizenship on 10/19. Process was very straightforward. My interview appointment was at 2 PM. I reported at 12:30 and was called in at 2:10. The officer was very polite. He went thru the N-400 application questions again. Then came the naturalization test. There were 10 questions of which I had to answer 6 corectly. Here were the questions I was asked:
1. What is the national anthem of US called ?
2. What is the "rule of the law" ?
3. Which ocean is on the west coast ?
4. What happened on 9/11 ?
5. 4 amendments to the constitution about who can vote. Describe one
6. Why does the flag have 13 stripes ?

After answering the above 6 correctly, he didn't go ahead with the other 4 and directly went to the reading test. I was asked to read "How many US senators are there ?". Then I was asked to write "There are one hundred US senators".

After that he congratulated me on passing the test and acquiring the citizenship. Due to technical difficulties and power failures that day, the oath timings had to be rescheduled and I got to the 3:30 oath (which was actually the 2:00 PM oath). After the oath, they gave me the naturalization certificate. Next day, applied for the passport.

GC: 8/1/05 (employment-based)
SC: Houston, TX
DO: Newark, NJ

06/11/10: N-400 Mailed
06/14/10: ND/PD
07/1/10: RFE for FP
07/6/10: FP letter
07/29/10: FP done
09/03/10: YL received
09/15/10: Transferred to local office
09/18/10: IL received
10/19/10: Interview and Oath. US citizen

Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences. It was very helpful to me. Congratulations to all who have got their US ctizenship and good luck to those who are awaiting.

Hope to see some of you again in the OCI forums. I am hearing it is a very cumbersome process.
GuyfromUSA, congratulations on your citizenship.
keep us updated on how your OCI goes....It does seem like a very cumbersome procedure...
Am kinda of freaking out. Am looking at past history and it seeme most pple get IL two days after the case is moved to the local office. Its now four days since my case was moved and am yet to receive IL.

Should I be worried?
Thanks, tomorrow my interview at 1 PM, will come to blog later....
I was looking for desi experience today :(
i was counting on that....hope he did well anyway..

desi, ppobox, huslayer:

All the best for your interview. Updates us after you are done with it.
Hello all,
Today I passed, changed my name and got my certificate.
my experience:
I arrived at 12:20 and my interview scheduled at 1 PM, I went to the 15th floor as was in the letter.
you give the letter to the clerk in window #1
he called me back and said my interview will be in the 13th floor.
I gave my paper to the clerk in window #1 on the 13th floor.
Finally i was called at 1:40 PM.
she asked me to swear to tell the truth, then went over my N400 answers.
then the civics questions...
1-capital of USA
2-when the constantution was written..
3-freedeom of religion
4-number of senates
5-state that borders canada
6-dont' rememebr, just another silly easy question.

reading test:
what do we pay to the government?

writting test:
we pay taxes

she approved my case and asked me to photo copy my tax for 2007 and 2008, although i sent that with the application!!

anyway i went downstairs in broad street, copied it and went upstairs again.

then she met me again after 30 minutes, congrutlates me and sent me to the 15th floor again.

you don't give them any papers anymore. just wait till your name be called, sign your certificate and wait till they finish everybody else

at 4:05 we got into the Oath room, sill video and speach, then started to give out the certificates.

was out by 5:15 PM as an american citizen.

my case was based on marriage by the way.
Thanks and good luck to everyone....
Hello My Friends,
Very sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, I had some unavoidable problems to take care of. Anyway, my interview on Nov. 01 went very well except that I had to spend little over 5 hours there. I got there at 12:10pm. The security gaurd outside room 1512 didn't let me & others in till 15 minutes before scheduled interview time which was 1:00PM in my case. Went to window 1 and submitted my interview letter and waited till 3:35PM. The IO was very handsome but expressionless and didn't talk a single word other than asking questions. The interview lasted for 10-12 minutes at the most. He asked me everything on my N-400 line by line and encircled the answers by red pen. Then he asked me 6 questions as follows:

1.What is an ammendment?
2.Who vetos the bill?
3.What is supreme law of the land?
4.what is the capital of NJ?
5.Who do you understand by oath of A.....?
6.Who were brought to US as slaves?

Then he asked me to read and write very simple sentences which my 5 year old nephew could do very easily.

He congratulated me, gave me 2 papers and asked me to wait for oath ceremony which took place around 5:20PM for like 80-90persons. The oath ceremony lasted for hardly 15-20 minutes and at 5:40PM all of us walked out as US citizens with certificate of naturalization in our hands. Thank God it is over
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