Newark, NJ Early Finger Printing


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My wife got second finger printing notice (I am already approved and waiting for card after stamping on Aug 6).

Any recent experience with early finger printing at Newark, NJ?
Just did it myself.
You just have to be EXTREMELY polite to the lady in the front desk.
I have my FP2 scheduled for Dec 12, 2003, but I went to Newark office for early FP - last Saturday at around 2PM. There were very few people around and there was no lady in the front desk but a gentleman looked at my notice and told me that you cannot do early FP and asked us to come back on the scheduled date. I told him that as I am traveling to my home country by that time I cannot come on the scheduled date & I showed him the travel itinerary and the confirmed flight tickets. Even after seeing all the documents he said, sir you don't need to show any proof at all. If you cannot come on the scheduled date please send us a request to re-schedule the appointment date. I tried to talk to the supervisor but no use.

I knew some people have successfully done early FP at Newark but this was my story. I am sending the notice back to Newark office to re-schedule my appointment date sometime in Jan, 2004.
I was there last Saturday and the guy at the front desk did not allowed us for the early FP.

I was there around 9.30 am on 11/08/2003 and it was no use.
My wife tried for early 2nd FP but they did not allow it. so She got it done on the scheduled date (11/07)