Newark Interview - Why?

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My case got transered also to Newark. I got the notice today. The notice date is May 17 2001, and receipt date is March 28 2000 .
This is for 485. Please let me know if you have some more info, which can help me
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I dont check this board very often now. anyway, newark guys dont worry at all. As mentioned in my previous memo, they check the employemnt letter. Affidavit of support (my wife works as well and makes more than i do :(), they want it because you are the primary applicant and suppose she is to lose job tomo....and all that crap!. SO, keep your affidavit. Tax return they will keep a copy. so take the 2000 one copy for them. I just took it even though itwas not in the letter. so it helps... I did not have my lawyer. The whole thing including the stamping took about 15 mins. They will stamp your passport right there. No more lines.. FOr the first time INS does something with you sitting down.

Yes, I am not sad anymore but i filed GC 11/95, got screwed at every stage with BS time delays....All\'s well that ends well!!
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My interview is also scheduled for 6/9/01 at 9.00 am. Did you check if Sturday interviews are possible. I\'m a little worried.

Mobile 7329797573.
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Hi Gagank,

I guess your interview is tomorrow (6/1/01). Wish you all the best and will appreciate if you would share with us your experience ASAP. We would be eagerly waiting for the good news !!

BTW, are you taking a lawyer with you ?

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Hi Dna/All, Interview successful : )
before I (GaganK2 same as GaganK) begin ..a loud EEEEEEHAAAAA to everyone! feels like a ton
of load lifted off my shoulders. My interview was today June 1st at 1:20pm at there at 12:45, gave my Notice at reception by 1:00pm....No Lawyer ..why waste $550/-.
  They called out our name at 2:20pm ...Me & my wife went in to this very nice lady. She took our index finger print & took us to her cube.
  This lady was a trainee, so she had another superior sitting with her.
Both were young (early thirties) & very courtious. We took the oath & sat down. They asked us for the following documents in order:-
1) Current Job letter
2) Updated medical report (i.e. taken in the last 1 yr)
3) Marriage certificate.
4) Birth Certificates for both (me & wife)
5) Drivers licenses & passports for both.
6) Year 2000 tax returns
 They just asked us how long were we married for & dated before marriage?
 My current job description?
They went ahead & stamped our passports even before we finished talking.... it was great. The whole thing was like an informal chat.
I got the address change done ...since I had
received the Interview notice at my old address. We should be getting
our cards in the mail within 3 to 6 months. My recommendation ..All Dress very business like... have all the documents organized.

Wanted to thank you all for all your support & help : )
please let me know If I can be of any help!
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Congrats !!! You wont believe but i was checking this site every one hour for your good news !!!

BTW, did they look in detail at your tax returns ? or any other paper ? or they just wanted to have a copy for them.

Enjoy your freedom.

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Hi Dna/All,
the only zerox copy they needed was that of year 2000 tax return, they did glance at the original but only casually . Take copies of all docs anyways.
  Remember ...dress business like, put on a good cologne, a good smile, organize your paper work well, give out only the information they ask for ..nothing x-tra, make sure they have the right address to send the GC to. The whole interview lasts 15 mins.
  Wish you all the best. I think we should all get together for a drink soon.

             FREEDOM SMELLS SWEET : )
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Hi guys. Have some news. Last Saturday (06/02/2001) got interview notice for my wife. As you remember I got notice before and that one was only for me. Now we have notice for my wife and they scheduled her for different date. My interview is in 06/09/2001, hers in 06/19/2001. Is this some kind of joke? I was going to take her with me. Now I am totally confused. Do you think this is mistake? I am the primary applicant. Should I take her with me just in case they sent the second interview notice by mistake?
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It certainly looks like a mistake. I would advise to take her with you. Even my interview is on 6/9 but i received only one notice and that was addressed to my wife and family (so i guess i am family !). It seems to be of no point for her to go for inteview alone if she has filed as your dependent.

All the best and see you there on this saturday!
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I also have same thing,
Mine interview is on 6/8 and my wife\'s on 6/16. My lawyer check up with newark office and they told him becuse of lot of load they are doing dependent interview on later dates. They are infact working on staurday\'s also.
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Hi All,

Our 485 was approved after interview at Newark today (6/9/01). We were not asked any question, and officer told us that the only, reason they transferred our case for interview was due to a simple mistake by them. They treated my wife, who was also on H1, as primary applicant. So labor I140 nothing matched. After showing them my Employment letter and pay stubs, officer immidiately approved our appln. The whole thing took only 5 mins.

My details ...

PD 2/20/97
RD 12/29/99
ND 1/24/00
FP 3/28/01
Transfer date 5/4/01
Interview, approval 6/9/01

Wish you all good luck.
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I was there at the interview today. Everything went fine, but the officer told me I\'ve to wait on CIA check which will be cleared Jul 16 and to go there get it greencard stamped. But he did put interview result on my passport as passed.
Did yours also same.
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Congrats DNA,
Glad to hear it! Ain\'t the taste of FREEDOM sweet?
What next? Do you plan to switch once your card arrives?
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Thanks gagank. It surely takes a lot load off you !! Feel much better now.

I am planning to stick with my company for next 3 months. I have one month vacation pending, of which I will make use within these 3 months. And then, I am planning to switch (mostly I will join my client).

What about you ? Any idea how safe it is to leave your employer ?

We should get together to celebrate !

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Hi all. We were at the interview in 06/09/2001. My case was approved. Officer asked if I still work for the same employer. I do. He asked for employment letter. I gave him one. Then he asked how I came to USA. H1 visa. Then he took copy of my 2000 federal tax refund. He did not ask for new medical (I had in, just in case). I also gave him my I94 and 2 EADs. Then he stamped my passport.

As of my wife and daughter we have to go again in 06/19/2001. As you know from my previous postings my wife got seperate interview notice for 06/19/2001. Office told us that if it was not Saturday he could have somebody to find their files and process them. But because of Saturday they do not have staff to find files. So we have to go at least one more time. I hope that will be the last time. So I am happy that I was approved but not very happy because it is not over yet for my wife and daughter. He also told us that my wife needs affidavit of support.
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Hey Dna,
It\'s good that you\'re planning to take the first bite into your juicy FREEDOM fruit ...though I heard 6 months is the safest period (check to make the jump ..but people do that even after their choice is yours.
  This definitely calls for some FIREWORKS!! dna/all lets decide a time/place for it!
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My GC was approved today.
THe reason I was called for interview at NWK was because of 180 days company change. Took my lawyer along with me - he showd them the new Portability LAW adn that was it.
Along with medical rhey asked for last three years Income Tax papers and letter from my company which had filed file I140
Thanks to every one who helped me out
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Congratulations! I have a question...
What did the letter (from your I-140 filing company) indicate? Did the company give you the letter right before the inteview? Or when you left that company? Please tell. Thanks in advance.