Newark Interview - what is CIA Hold?


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Hi All:

Had my interview at Newark today. The officer asked the usual, birth/
marriage certificates, who do you work for, new medicals, baby\'s
US birth certificate etc.

In the end he says that he cannot approve because our files are on
CIA hold for 60 days. He has to wait until beginning of September and
then if he does not need any more info, he will mail the approval

Can anybody throw some light on what this means - and can I really
expect an approval or are there more complications ahead? You would
wonder that in the 2 years that INS has had my I485 application, they
would at least do this CIA check thing instead of delaying by an
additional 2 months.

PD - 4/96, RD/ND - 1/00, xferred to Newark 5/01
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One thing that is unusual is asking for baby\'s US Birthcertificate. I have never heard of a CIA hold up. Were involved with any political organisation at any point ?
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CIA:Central investigation Agency.(I know that).But this is not relavent for our case.
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Never involved with any political organization.
To answer another query: I am EB2, India.

According to the officer, every case goes to the CIA for
check. They have to wait for 60 days after they send
it. CIA does not send back anything - unless there is a
Same thing with me - CIA check

I also had interview in Newark today and the officer told me the same thing that the case will be on hold for 60 days til end of August. After that they will send the approval letter. Atleast he said that INS has cleared the case. Very very nice guy. Just took out my I94 and medical, not even emp. letter. He said that all INS local offices have been instructed to put cases on hold for 60 days. I saw a baltimore INS interview approval for Tushar Shah. Why baltimore office doesn\'t put the CIA hold for 60 days.
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According to my attorney it is a new procedure that is
done for all AOS applicants. Please keep me posted if
you hear anything further on your case. Our timings are
very similar. I was also told that my file will be on
hold till end of august. After that if everything is fine,
I should expect an approval in mail within a week or two.
Did they put a seal on your passport

The officer put a small seal (new sec 245) on my passport and wrote E36 pending CIA check. Did they also stamped your passport with a similar seal. I am gonna talk to my lawyer tomorrow morning. Good luck.
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I have seen a flow chart of I-485 process in one of the recent document submitted by some committe on INS delays. There is one step in the process which is name check by CIA. But normally this happens before the finger print step, if I remember correctly and I think will be done for every body.
we had a FBI check, now CIA check, next What???

IRS Check, NYPD Check, LAPD check and so on ..................
localtransfer - do you have a CIA check pending stamp in your passport

Will newark office send approval after 60 days are over OR it will wait until it hears from CIA?
GC circle and local transfer please respond

My case was transferred to Newark on July 11th. I havent got any interview notice yet. Lets try to establish a pattern on how long it is taking for people to get the interview letter. I am sure there are a lot of people who are transferred to Newark. When were you guys transferred and when was your interview. Thanks mighty lot.....
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We did not receive any stamp in our passport (makes me kind
of worried - because the officer took our I-94\'s and I have
no proof that I went for the interview).

The officer said that CIA does not reply back unless there is a
problem (you are a terrorist or something). So they just wait for
60 days. Once the 60 day period has elapsed - he will just send
out the approval. Of course, he was mentioning how they have
recently been swarmed with 245i cases who were interviewed ahead
of us (implication: he may be busy sending out approval for those
before he gets to our files). He also said that once the file gets
to Newark - it usually takes a year. That we got a jump-start by
getting an early interview etc. I don\'t know what to make of this
whole mess (5 1/2 years and counting ...).

Were you interviewed by officer with initials E.R.?
newark interview reponse times

vsctemp- I got the interview letter within 3 weeks of transfer.
localtransfer - My officer put a stamp in my passport and wrote cia check pending. Took my I94 out. He said that my paperwork is done. Let\'s keep in touch. We are in the same boat.