Newark Experience


Registered Users (C)
Dear Friends:

Went to Newark today and entered the building through the Orchard Street entrance.

Went to the 2nd Floor Room by the cafeteria and stood in the line. Called within 5 minutes. The officer looked at our approvals and asked her co-worker if it was okay to process our I-551 application. The other worker said okay and so we were all set.

We submitted the finger-print, signed the form, returned EAD's and AP's and they returned our passport asked us to wait till they completed IBIS check.

The officer then took a coffee break and came back saying all was fine. She then stamped our passport with the I-551 stamp and told us the cards would be delivered in 4-6 months. She also mentioned that the stamp was good enough to both work and travel.

Went to the SS office on the 10th floor filled out SS application to now denote we were Permanent residents and returned our old SS cards. The SS cards would be mailed in 2 months.

Lastly it is funny that they stamp the I-551 both in Rom 1022 as well as in the room next to the cafeteria on the second floor.

Regards and good luck friends


- did u enter thru walk-ins entrance where they scan everything b4 letting in. (entracing facing a small children play area right)
- was there a long queue outside. (i know stamping done only on wed)

just want to have an idea.

When i went for AP , there was a long queue outisde and to get in to designated floor.

SS Card

The reason you need to amend your SS card is due to the fact that most people who came on H1B's have their SSN card stamped 'Valid to Work with INS autorization'. Also students typically dont have this stamped but the real issue is that the SSA's records show that you are a temporary person in the country and therefore not eligible for any SS benefits.

The new application will maintain your old SS Number but their records will clearly state that you are a Lawful Permanent Resident allowed to work without INS authorisation.

Hope this clarifies.

To the person who asked which entrance. Go to Orchard Street and it cleary says on the glass door "INS Admission Only"
I was wondering what happens if the SS No changes,
All the credit history go away but the way you said it looks SS number is going to be same only descrption changes in INS records.
SS NO will be same

You raise a good issue about the Credit History. We also would have a problem with the IRS if we had new numbers.

The SS form asks you specifically if you had an old number and if yes please provide.

So if my hunch is correct we will get a new card in 2 weeks with the same number and no restrictions.
My wife was having Tax ID and when she applied later for SS no (as she got the H1)
She lost the credit history based on Tax ID.

Make sure it does not happen to you, and if you get a chance please update if they gave you the same SS no.
