New VSC Processing times are out - no progress!!!

not current

On the top of the Page it says

Information current as of April 1, 2003

That means its not current and they come up with the dates only on the 1st or the 15th of the month.


No, this is current it clearly says 'current as of April 28, 2002'. There is no rule that updates have to be 1st or 15th.
May be we are looking at different places.

The link which you posted earlier says 1st April at the top. Is there other link which you are looking at?
I got it

I refreshed it couple of times and now I can see the 28th.

What they mean is as of Apr 28, this is the current dates that they have. Not that the new dates are out.

Or may be they are out. Well I hope it starts moving faster.


I read recently in postings that the BCIS is going to update the dates 1st of every month
Not sure if it matters what VSC says officially, we are seeing more approvals now than anytime in the past few months (Touch W).
Moreover I don't see how the date can change beyond Nov 15th since Dec processing has certainly not started.