New VISA bulleting out for April...and it sucks

"Immigration Reform"....yeah, right. What reform are we talking about, the one that those dipsticks in WAS want to legalize all the illegals on our backs, give them "Gold Cards" (?)....we are waiting for years fully legals and they shit on us, and these guys jump over the fence and live easier lives than us, the legal people, and on top of that they are now going to become legal. Unfreakingbelieveable.
EB3 filers really need some blessing

It is strange DOL didn't mention anything about 245I cases. The only reason that EB3 cut-off date stayed unchanged since last month is that many 245I cases became current. However, from the silence of DOL on this issue, I can tell this is not true. They may still don't have a clear understanding on the situation of 245i, so just close the EB3 gate tight in case.
Looks like everybody give up talking about Visa bulletin update.
I agree with "potter" on this. DOS does not have clear picture about the current visa numbers. So far everybody think that the demand is less and expecting the fast movement in cutoff dates. No idea what's wrong with DOS.
From now, waiting for next visa bulletin update.... :eek: