New Visa Bulletin


Registered Users (C)
Hello everybody:

Finally Visa Bulletin for August/2005 is out, (under visa bulletin, menu on the left)

Unfortunately for all EB3 filers, visa numbers still unavailable :(

Good luck to all rest of categories!

God Bless you all.
As expected


I guess the bulletin did not spring any surpises. We were all expecting this news. I will be most interested in the VISA bulletin in September. That will determine most of our fates. My PD is in August 2001 and I am hoping this PD is far back enough. If 4 years is not far back enough, I am not sure what is ....


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You are right. No surprise at all...but I was hoping for some kind of miracle. I keep hoping we might get something in post-mail.
Good Luck!
I did get something in post mail ... but


Keep the hope alive. That is something no one can take away from us. As for your comment on receiving something in the mail, I did get something over the weekend. I got a couple of letters from a TSC supervisior stating that they have LOST my wifes AP application. They have requested us to send the application again. My lawyers are sending both our APs again this week. I guess all the LUD changes on my wifes 485 and AP were related with this development. Can you believe they lost our APs. I would not be suprised to learn that they have actually lost my 485 application altogether.

The sad part is that my lawyer actually has the nerve to tell me that "officially" my case is not late because the official TSC date is still in August 03. Technically she is correct but what about all the mistakes made with my case. What about the wrong transfer? What about all the delays in the AP and EAD? What about the multiple FP notices? Does all this fall under the "official" TSC procedures. "Officially" everyone (TSC and my lawyers) are covered till the dates actually cross my filing date. After that atleast my lawyer won't have this excuse. At that point they will have to come up with another innovative excuse for the delay.

This week I am preparing letters for the TSC director, Congressman and the ombudmans office. At this point I am ready to do just about anything.

Sometimes I feel that this nightmare will never end.


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Ohh Saras... when will it end?????
I feel your anger, it's incredible how you have been mistreated by these people. How many errors can a process withstand? They've screwed your case in so many seems you were transfer to a pilot program for "error testing" or something like that. I wish your letter to TSC director get concrete answers soon. I hope you can get your "new" APs soon too.
I pray for your case to be first approved once visa numbers become available again. I think no one deserves an approval more that you!
God bless and good luck with letters!
Dear Saras76,

Long time no see. I have been following your postings regularly though. You were the only one who warned me ahead of time about screw up on my case as well. I didn't want to believe that because I was thinking it will not happen with me. Guess what, it happened exactly the way you suspected. My case was sent to Buffalo from TSC by mistake. Job is in Dallas, company is in Dallas, I am in Dallas. I have no family in Buffalo, not even a 132nd cousin. However, intelligent folks at CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Screwup Services) still sent my case to Buffalo. Supposidly to speedup processing. They speed up processing all right in my case.

Case was stuck in Buffalo with no processing at all untill I went and talked to them. They told me, "Oooh! you are from Texas. Please tell us, why was your case sent to Buffalo." I showed them the letter from the department they worked for (CIS) stating that my case was sent to speed up processing. They told me that it was a mistake and they will transfer my case to Houston. I begged them not to transfer it to Houston since everything was in Dallas. No, we can only transfer it to Houston. And they did. It took a month for the case to be transferred to Houston. Houston picked it up and sent it to Dallas. Took another 10 days for case to get to Dallas. Dallas picked it up and sent it right back to Houston. Finally, I received fingerprints notices from Houston in April. The day we did fingerprints, Case was recalled by TSC. Case reached TSC on April 12th. It was sitting over there with no updates. No one could find my case and when I call either Customer Service Center or TSC I was told that my case was in Buffalo. After 6 letters to Ombudsman's office and a daily email to caseworker in local congressman's office. Suddenly the status changed on May 17th saying that they just received my application on May 17th for processing and it was taking 850-900 days. After 50 more days 140 was approved. Now I am stuck with no visa numbers availabe. Here is the kicker though. You will laugh at this one. When I talk to my attoney, he says, It is safe for us to count our time from May 17th, 2005 instead of of October 12, 2004. I wanted to choke him.

Surprisingly, I went through the exact same path as you did (with much less pain as compared to you hough). My priority date is April 8, 2001. I don't see any hope. I don't think October and availibility of visa numbers will do anything for us. But when I see you giving hope to people I feel energized again. Thank you buddy. Hang in there.
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Hey Huifang


I am gald that your case is back at TSC and the online status states that. My case is in TSC, 140 has been approved and my wifes 485 received an RFE that we replied to. The online status on my case still states that the case is in Miami. This is a problem. Now we are just waiting. Anyway, can you please share the address to the Ombudsman's office. I am going to write letters to them to make sure that there is some attention to my case. I am also going to visit my local congressman next week. It is time I went on the total offensive against these people.


still waiting for 140 approval...


I am still waiting for 140 approval .......
Now i am worried of since the TSC tranferred 140 application to Dallas office and back to TSC and not sure where is 140 application and how long will it take to process.
I think we are dealing with most incompetent agency's in the world.
The TSC reps are so rude that they will say it will be processed ?????.
I am so frustated with this ***K in process :mad:
New Visa Bulletin released. :D

Meee no hungryyy now, lets keep play till Oct.

            Meee no hungryyy now, lets keep play till Oct.

                     /\_/\      #
       _             (@.@ )_.-._#
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       " "   .. .
EB3 - 2003 applicant
How can you do it? always happy, always carefree. I wish I could be more like you.
Congratulations, I bet your pesonality has help you live a very nice life.

Here you go. Good news for you is that Ombudsman is in fact an immigration attorney originally from India. He has been practicing immigration law for last 17 years. His name is Parkash L. Khatri. Recently, his office has been appropriatly staffed to respond to inquiries like ours. Here is his address:

Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
ATTN: Case Problems
United States Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Lane
Mail Stop 1225
Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

Again, good luck buddy.
lx kumar

Your case is a text book example of what should be sent to Ombudsman's office. Please send your complaint as soon as possible to the above address. Good Luck to you as well.
mvusa said:
How can you do it? always happy, always carefree. I wish I could be more like you.
Congratulations, I bet your pesonality has help you live a very nice life.

Thank you mvusa :D

My mother always advise me "Not to worry about anything, whatever God wish, will happen, " all you need is to do your best struggle, practice your faith, pray, trust on God, and be very hopeful. everything will be fine :D

Here is some recipe of happy life

Recipe for A Happy Life
      ( \/ )                                                 ( \/ )
       \  /                   | /)                            \  /
        \/        --->  TAKE  | /_  WHOLE MONTHS,  <---        \/
 Clean Them Thoroughly Of All Bitterness, Rumors, Hate, And Jealousy;
        In Other Words, Make Them As Fresh And As Clean As Possible.
                      ____________ _____________
         Now Cut Each Month Into 28, 30, Or 31 Different Parts--
             But Don't Make Up The Whole Batch At Once... .-.
              Instead Prepare It ***One Day*** At A Time.(( ))
           Mix Well Each Day:                             \ /
           One Part Of Faith,     .-----------------.      |
                                 :._________________.:     |
             One Of Patience,    |                   |     |
                                 |                   |     |
               One Of Courage,   |                   |     |
                                  \                 /
                 One Of Work,      `._____________.'

 Add One Part Each Of Hope, Faithfulness, Generosity, And Kindness;
          ||      Blend With:                                  .:::.
          ||        One Part Prayer,           .:::.          [| G |
       #-/__\         One Part Meditation,    [|   |    .:::.  | D |
         |  |                                  | P |   [|   |  `---'
         |  |            And One Good Deed.    `---'    | M |
        (@)(@)                                          `---'
    Season The Whole With A Dash Of Good Spirit,  A Sprinkle Of Fun

Good Luck
Thanks Huifang


Thanks a lot for the address. Lets see if the Ombudsman office does anything. It is worth a try. Maybe he will take pity on his fellow countryman but I wouldn't count on it :)

Also post your details on a "TSC Problem case" thread that I have started. We are trying to pool our experiences.


any predictions where the PD's might be for EB3 ???

i am hoping it'll be some time late 2002 or early 2003 given that when they all of a sudden became unavailable the PD's were at June 2002.

saras76 said:

I guess the bulletin did not spring any surpises. We were all expecting this news. I will be most interested in the VISA bulletin in September. That will determine most of our fates. My PD is in August 2001 and I am hoping this PD is far back enough. If 4 years is not far back enough, I am not sure what is ....


Rumor has it ...

nishokie said:
any predictions where the PD's might be for EB3 ???

i am hoping it'll be some time late 2002 or early 2003 given that when they all of a sudden became unavailable the PD's were at June 2002.

I don't think anyone knows for sure but I have heard rumors that the dates are going to be somewhere between OCT 01- OCT 02. Again this is all speculation. They are capable of doing anything.


cool....oct 2002 seems like more of a possibility as before the unavailability the pd's were at june 2002....also given that in october 2005 they are going to have the complete quota of 28,000 EB3 visas available...i am guessing late 2002 or early 2003.
good luck with your case.

saras76 said:
I don't think anyone knows for sure but I have heard rumors that the dates are going to be somewhere between OCT 01- OCT 02. Again this is all speculation. They are capable of doing anything.


I have a PD of May 02. I hope they work on my case come october. That would be a nice birthday present for me!

Ours is June 26/2002. My husband's birthday is also in October. It would be a nice present too!!!!
Good luck to all of us!!!
Talking of birthdays

mvusa and bella,

Come to think of it, my wifes bday is in October. Maybe it will be our lucky month. At this point we have to come up with anything to keep our hopes alive :)

