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I would really appreciate some help from a kindred soul. I am totally new to this board and I have read alot of really enlightening information here, that my lawyer has never shared with me. Can somebody please advise me on how they read the WAC #'s. and also some of the terminolgy eg.. ND,RFE etc........
Many thanks:rolleyes:
PD - Priority Date
RD - Receipt Date
ND - Notice Date
RFE - Request For Evidence
JIT - Just in Time Report
EAD - Employment Authorization Document i.e I-765
AP - Advance Parole i.e. I-131
AOS - Adjustment of Status i.e. I-485

It is good for start and in due course of time you will learn other stuff, since we lost skumar today so it is good to have new member.
Thank-you Vipsha for your help - much appreciated. Like most of you I am really frustrated - started immigration proceedings in January 1998, was advised by my lawyer it would take approx. 2 years. Final papers for AOS went in February 2002. As of 5 months ago it looked as though I would receive my green card in 1 year. After so long I desperately want to visit family in England. All my plans had to be cancelled because of the incompetence of CIS. My WAC # 02113953XXX Cannot apply for AP as remained here illegally.........

Since you r in 485 stage why not apply for AP ( Advance Parole ) document then you can visit UK while ur 485 is pending. Nothing is stopping you from going there while ur 485 is pending , yeh one thing is unless u hv overstayed your VISA at some point of your stay here then you should avoid using AP . Where in Uk r u from.

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Originally posted by Beverley
Thank-you Vipsha for your help - much appreciated. Like most of you I am really frustrated - started immigration proceedings in January 1998, was advised by my lawyer it would take approx. 2 years. Final papers for AOS went in February 2002. As of 5 months ago it looked as though I would receive my green card in 1 year. After so long I desperately want to visit family in England. All my plans had to be cancelled because of the incompetence of CIS. My WAC # 02113953XXX Cannot apply for AP as remained here illegally.........

Beverley, do you have a h1b visa or some visa of some kind? That should be enough for visiting england, but sane advice from silly man, DON'T. I mean, you don't know what issues the dude @ port of entry might give you, why take the risk. Better way out, get your family here to visit you here instead if you can.

Anyway, you asked how to read your WAC#, here it is,

WAC # 02113953XXX <--- means.
WAC -> California
02 -> Year # (right now we are in #03)
113 -> The day of the year .. year begins oct 1st.
rest of it -> Sequence number (all kinds of cases in this).

And I really don't want to add to your frustrations, but looking at how fast/slow the INS is going .. 113 is probably in for a long wait. But I hope I'm wrong.

Do british citizens have any sort of protected status like NAFTA and all?

Regards, what JIT means, JUST IN TIME REPORT. AILA (, sort of way back muscled INS into being more responsive. So INS started giving AILA a JIT report, which basically tells AILA, what kind of cases have been assigned to officers till what date. Assigned doesn't necessarily mean approved. Usually it takes 30 days after assignment before you can expect approval or RFE or whatever. However, CSC has been lying in it's JIT lately .. (long story .. stick around u'll know).
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Silly Man, Thanks for all your input. You're right I cannot leave the USA on AP as I did remain here illegally for 4 years, although I have now paid the $1,000 fine to INS. After all this time of waiting and hopefully now so close, I don't want to take the risk...I just hope CSC gets moving.........For the past 4 years I have been working for the sponsoring Company, and although grateful they are taking advantage of my situation and not paying me what I should be earning. So I really want to get another job, but not put in jeopardy my AOS - any suggestions?
Beverley, technically, under AC21, you can change jobs if your AOS has been pending for over 180 days. Now, there are a lot of ways to interpret AC21 law, and really your fate depends on how your adjudicating officer interprets it.

One of my friends told me something really good. "If your only choice is to get raped, might as well enjoy it". I know employers abuse or what not, but for green card sake, put up with it. All of this eventually will be a very rewarding experience, if you have patience to see thru the end of it.

If your only choice is to change jobs, make sure,

a) It is in the same salary range, preferably slightly greater.
b) It is the same job title/profile.
c) It is in the same geographical region.
Silly Man,
Does the day of the year include weekend and holidays too? My wac # is 02-069-XXXXX, RD is 12/18/2001 and ND is 12/20/2001. Whatever way I do the counting, 069 and my RD or ND doesn't match..... Including holidays and weekends, the 69th day of the year is Dec 8th, while excluding holidays and weekend it is Jan10th. Do you know why this difference is???
I guess its the 69th WORKING day. Even though the INS doesn't do anything the whole week they work over-time !! If you have been to any GOVT agency you know what I mean. I strongly believe that the so called Backlog is just a way for INS employees to claim over-time !! They process most cases when they are doing over-time.
I don't think 069 is days. probably, originally it meant number of days from fiscal years (starts from October), but I think now-a-days the last five numbers run out very easily (reaching 59999), so they need next "days" number- for example 069 to 070 on very same day. That's why in different years with same "day" number in application receipt, the RDs and NDs are way different. And we see receipt numbers like WAC-369 or WAC-375 etc. Instead of "day" number, I would call it "file" number.
I've always taken it as approximate working day of the year, for example, I got my ead renewal thingie today, and my wac on that is wac-03-097.

and my nd is feb 7th, so feb 7th - oct 1st 2002 = 137 ... minus weekends = 137-137*2/7 = 97.8571 and ur in that rough ballpark figure. Approximately.

Who cares anyway, like thats gonna make a difference to ur approval.