New Timeline thread for San Antonio & Austin area


Registered Users (C)
Because the old South Texas timeline threads are now rather cumbersome, I would like to do a reality check on the progress of current N-400 applicants. In particular, how long is the current delay in interview letter after fingerprinting. Please post your timeline. Mine is:

Regional office: Mesquite, Texas
Local office: San Antonio, Texas

• 28th July 06: N-400 application mailed
• 7th August 06: Resubmitted with correct check (first check based on incorrect data on USCIS web site)
• 9th August 06: Check cashed
• 14th August 06: USCIS acknowledgement with application number (17 days from first application)
• 15th August 06: Fingerprint (FP) notification (only one day from acknowledgement; missed FP date due to absence from town
• 31st August 06: Request to reschedule FP
• 5th September 06: Proactive visit to the FP office as a “walk-in” (17 days from original notice)

Many thanks for your input. ;)
I have been trying my hardest these last few weeks to get SOMEONE from San Antonio/Austin to post but it looks like everyone went into hibernation.... until now. So.... aramamo, Breez, ctzn, DrMcCormac, Dump, jarih, and rganesh72, I hope you guys keep us updated with things that are happening on your end.

Update: I just talked to the folks at the LBJ lib. @UT and they specifically told me that current major renovations going on @ the LBJ lib. will NOT be completed until Nov/2008 and consequently, the lib. cannot be used until Jan/Feb 2009 :eek: ....To all those who keep saying that the next oath in Austin will be in May @LBJ - I'm not sure how accurate that is. Unless they are planning on hosting it somewhere else in Austin, I doubt we'll see one here soon. I did talk to a big time attorney in Austin who is on the Federal judicial circuit and works with USCIS on scheduling oaths in Austin and he too told me that Austin only gets 1 ceremony.

For those of you who are waiting for oath, what's your take on the Supervisor check after you have passed the int? I was told by my IO (and have heard others here say the same) that all cases go to a supervisor to get checked even if you get the check box checked on the N-652 that says "Congratulations! You have been recommended for approval....". Any input on this would be appreciated.
I agree that it's very disappointing that South Texas N-400 applicants do not have a greater interest in sharing experiences and timelines. After all, that is one of the reasons that this is such a wonderful forum ... ah well, I guess I shall just have to hang in there in semi-darkness.

I shall, of course, continue to offer advice and assistance to other applicants via other threads in any way that I can.
I am sorry .... I cannot be of any help on this one .... as you know, I am still waiting on IL .....
I am sorry .... I cannot be of any help on this one .... as you know, I am still waiting on IL .....

Has anything happened with your case after 5/9/2006? Seems like an awefully long time.

I am thinking about writing the IO directly to ask about my/wife's status and if we are scheduled for oath..... do you know if that will elicit a response from them? Afterall, on the N-652 it clearly mentions that "if you have any questions about this case, write to the officer above...."
Nothing. Will wait the full six months and then go thru' the checking process (1-800, InfoPass etc.) even tho' that might not get me anywhere.
Nothing. Will wait the full six months and then go thru' the checking process (1-800, InfoPass etc.) even tho' that might not get me anywhere.

Looks like you are stuck in the dreaded name check proc. Are you sure about that - has the CIS told you that specifically? I really hope something moves for you soon!

What's your take on the following re. my case:

1) Do you think doing an infopass to find out about my status/oath will help?

2) What about contacting the IO directly? In the N-652 one of the things they mention is that you can write the IO directly to inquire about the case.

3) Supervisor check after passing the interview: I was told by my IO (and have heard others here say the same) that all cases go to a supervisor to get checked even if you get the check box checked on the N-652 that says "Congratulations! You have been recommended for approval....".
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I guess an Infopass cannot hurt but if you know the name of the IO, I would try and bring him/her into the loop.
same tiem line as yours mario

same timeline as your mario. waiting for austin oath. I'm still waiting for the letter.

somewhere i saw it's on may 11th 2007. Did you hear that too?
same timeline as your mario. waiting for austin oath. I'm still waiting for the letter.

somewhere i saw it's on may 11th 2007. Did you hear that too?

I have some breaking news:

I called the 800# at 3 different times today because I kept getting different stories each time I called. Each time I asked (insisted) to be transferred to an actual immigration officer (IO). Here is how that went:

1) Officer #1:
My case is in "the queue". I asked which queue. He said "well it's in queue for oath" but he can't see all the details. He then poked around a little more and said, that it looks like the FBI checks are not complete!! When he said that I was shocked bec. I thought that since May 2006 they only schedule interviews after the FBI security checks have been completed! He then said that even if you are congratulated at your interview and are "recommended for approval" there can be additional "checks" that are done on the appl. To that I asked "like what checks", and he said that it might need to go through additional FBI sec. checks. I then asked "aren't they only scheduling interviews after the sec. checks are complete"? And he said, no - that's not the case!! He also went on to tell me that they randomly select people for sec. checks!!! I said WOW! You mean not everyone goes through sec. checks? He said, no, just the name check/full blown check. He also made some real interesting comments that "everyone goes through a FP check but not the full blown sec. check" (I guess name check, but he didn't use that term). He also said that my wife was pending sec. checks too (so much for believing that women have it a lot easier!).

2) Officer #2:
Said that I am in line for oath scheduling. I then told her that earlier I was told that my case is still pending an FBI check. She poked around some more and then came back and said that I am all set and approved and that all security checks are complete!! I asked again and she said yes, "you & your wife are approved and just waiting for oath scheduling".

3) Officer #3:
Said that both my wife and I are in line for oath scheduling but not scheduled for oath - big difference. According to him the reason I am "not scheduled" vs. "being in line" for oath is because the FBI checks are not complete. He went on to say that there are 2 databases (sets of screens) that they can look at: in 1 db it's showing the scheduled for oath stuff and in the other it's showing pending background check. Amazing stuff! At this point I was sooooo frustrated that I told him about the other 2 officers giving me 2 different stories. He said that what he sees is updated info but..... the San Antonio DO could have "more updated info." but it's unlikely. He then said that the only way Officer #2 could be correct is if the FBI checks cleared today and didn't update the system. I asked what does being "congratulated" and "being recommended for approval" mean and he said that it's "standard stuff - that all IO's check that box after passing the initial interview (yes, INITIAL)", but does not mean that the FBI checks are complete. He also went on to say that our interviews were probably scheduled without the IO's knowing that background checks were still pending. Zinnnng!

From what I could gather, there could be a variety of things at play, like:

1) The IO's are not very well trained in using the computer system (see officer #2)
2) There are a bunch of screens with diffferent info. - some being updated - some not.
3) Shear stupidity - not knowing what to look for, etc.

All I can say from this bizzarre set of events is that I am now more confused than I've ever been. What seemed to be a simple straight forward case for my wife and I *could* turn out to be a total mess. After all this, I now feel very silly and almost defeated. Why? Well, because
1) I thought that passing the interview was the end of the process. "Congratulations! You have been recommended for approval..." WHAT? Yeah right!
2) I was given to believe (by reading the USCIS bulletins and reading the posts here and in other places) that since 5/2006 they only schedule interviews after all security checks are complete.

Now, I'm not sure who/what to believe anymore about this crap!
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Relax :)


Mine is around same time

N400 : Aug 2006
FP : Dec 2006
Interview : Feb 2007.

My officer said your oath should be around May in Austin.

He said, Since there are lot of people waiting in the line for oath, it was all filled up untill May in San Antonio. If i liked i could do it either in Austin or San Antonio in the month of May. I choose Austin.

The oath invite letter usually comes around a month or so ahead. So i guess we should see something in the mail around 1 or 2nd week of april.


Mine is around same time

N400 : Aug 2006
FP : Dec 2006
Interview : Feb 2007.

My officer said your oath should be around May in Austin.

He said, Since there are lot of people waiting in the line for oath, it was all filled up untill May in San Antonio. If i liked i could do it either in Austin or San Antonio in the month of May. I choose Austin.

The oath invite letter usually comes around a month or so ahead. So i guess we should see something in the mail around 1 or 2nd week of april.


pvdctm - I hope you are right :)

I am curious to see what happens if you call the 800# to inquire about your case. Make sure you ask to be transferred to an actual IO bec. if you don't you'll get the standard response: "Your case is pending sir". If they give you a hard time about transferring you to an IO, then just tell them that you are very concerned about being scheduled for oath......

I am just concerned that quite a few people are now reporting that FBI NC's have not been completed even after interview. I wonder if you'll get the same response...

Do you know where the oaths are going to be in Austin? Did your IO sound confident when he was telling you about the oaths or did he just kind of mumble stuff? Bec. when I asked my IO during my int. she didn't seem to know much about oaths... and from what I hear and read oaths are a whole different thing....
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No i do not exactly know where it's going to be in Austin. If i remember correctly i saw the date as May 11th in this Board. May be next time if you call them , could you ask them ?

My spouse was interviewed by the same IO some days back and he said that the oath will be in the month of jan and the IO was correct.

So i guess it would be kind of the same for me as well. I will wait until mid of april to call them if i don't hear back from them.

No i do not exactly know where it's going to be in Austin. If i remember correctly i saw the date as May 11th in this Board. May be next time if you call them , could you ask them ?
The reps. at the 800# don't know diddley squat about your case other than "it's pending". Asking about oaths is a completely foreign (no pun intended:)) term for them - they have absolutely no clue. Even if you get transferred to an officer, they don't have visibility into local DO stuff

My spouse was interviewed by the same IO some days back and he said that the oath will be in the month of jan and the IO was correct.?
You mean the same IO who intervied you? Jan was 2 months ago, so.... you mean your wife interviewed sometime in late 2006 (assuming the IO was referring to a future date)?

So i guess it would be kind of the same for me as well. I will wait until mid of april to call them if i don't hear back from them.?
So you are going to give them 2 months to contact you? I guess that's reasonable, but I'm planning on an infopass soon

Hey pvdctm,

Good to see you on board - hope you can help keep this thread alive. I had almost given up hopes of posting here bec. other than rwsh and myself it looked like no one was interested in sharing their experiences here....

I have some breaking news:

I called the 800# at 3 different times today because I kept getting different stories each time I called. Each time I asked (insisted) to be transferred to an actual immigration officer (IO). Here is how that went:

1) Officer #1:
My case is in "the queue". I asked which queue. He said "well it's in queue for oath" but he can't see all the details. He then poked around a little more and said, that it looks like the FBI checks are not complete!! When he said that I was shocked bec. I thought that since May 2006 they only schedule interviews after the FBI security checks have been completed! He then said that even if you are congratulated at your interview and are "recommended for approval" there can be additional "checks" that are done on the appl. To that I asked "like what checks", and he said that it might need to go through additional FBI sec. checks. I then asked "aren't they only scheduling interviews after the sec. checks are complete"? And he said, no - that's not the case!! He also went on to tell me that they randomly select people for sec. checks!!! I said WOW! You mean not everyone goes through sec. checks? He said, no, just the name check/full blown check. He also made some real interesting comments that "everyone goes through a FP check but not the full blown sec. check" (I guess name check, but he didn't use that term). He also said that my wife was pending sec. checks too (so much for believing that women have it a lot easier!).

2) Officer #2:
Said that I am in line for oath scheduling. I then told her that earlier I was told that my case is still pending an FBI check. She poked around some more and then came back and said that I am all set and approved and that all security checks are complete!! I asked again and she said yes, "you & your wife are approved and just waiting for oath scheduling".

3) Officer #3:
Said that both my wife and I are in line for oath scheduling but not scheduled for oath - big difference. According to him the reason I am "not scheduled" vs. "being in line" for oath is because the FBI checks are not complete. Amazing stuff! At this point I was sooooo frustrated that I told him about the other 2 officers giving me 2 different stories. He said that what he sees is updated info but..... the San Antonio DO could have "more updated info." but it's unlikely. He then said that the only way Officer #2 could be correct is if the FBI checks cleared today and did't update the system. I asked what does being "congratulated" and "being recommended for approval" mean and he said that it's "standard stuff that all IO's say after passing the interview", but does not mean that the FBI checks are complete. Zing!

From what I could gather, there could be a variety of things at play, like:

1) The IO's are not very well trained in using the computer system
2) There are a bunch of screens with diffferent info. - some being updated - some not.
3) Shear stupidity - not knowing what to look for, etc.

All I can say from this bizzarre set of events is that I am now more confused than I've ever been. What seemed to be a simple straight forward case for my wife and I *could* turn out to be a total mess. After all this, I now feel very silly and almost defeated. Why? Well, because
1) I thought that passing the interview was the end of the process. "Congratulations! You have been recommended for approval..." WHAT? Yeah right!
2) I was given to believe (by reading the USCIS bulletins and reading the posts here and in other places) that since 5/2006 they only schedule interviews after all security checks are complete.

Now, I'm not sure who/what to believe anymore about this crap!

Can you post your timeline?

hi, I am new in this thread, but I am in the same boat for almost two years. However, I just filed lawsuit based on 1447b. I have read your post. I think the best way to find out what's going on in your case is to put a congressman inquiry. They will give your congressman a more accurate answer than 800 number or an info pass. As far is this 800 #, oh mann, what shoud I say. I think you got it right. I just do not trust this agency anymore. One person gives u one info, then u call one minute later and someone gives u the exact oppsite info. Can u imagine that when i was filing my lawsuit, i called them and wanted to get address of their Director, this guy GONZALES. I am sorry, I am not goona call him a gentelman, he is just a guy for me. And these stupid people do not have an address. I spoke to more than ten people. ok, Best of Luck to you and remeber, u have an option to file a lawsuit and it is not that complicated. Best of luck , regards, dude
I had my interview during the first week of February 2007. The officer told me the oath will be in March in SA. And also he told if they have decided to have in Austin then I'll be moved to Austin. So I guess my bad luck I need to wait. All my plans to visit my country got royally screwed up because of this.

Yes, it would be close to 2 month, if i wait untill mid Apirl.

Can you give me the 800 # to call for case status? I'll call sometime and check it out.

I know there were couple of guys in this area who got their citizenship. It was pretty fast for them.

Welcome DUDE...

Yes, it would be close to 2 month, if i wait untill mid Apirl.

Can you give me the 800 # to call for case status? I'll call sometime and check it out.

I know there were couple of guys in this area who got their citizenship. It was pretty fast for them.

Welcome DUDE...


it's 800-375-5283. Hit opt# 1,2,4,0 - that will get you to a first line rep:rolleyes: ....then after that it's up to you using your charm to get them to transfer you to a real IO;) . If you don't get transferred to a real IO you are wasting your time because those phone reps. don't know squat other than "your case is pending" or "your case is pending oath".
I had my interview during the first week of February 2007. The officer told me the oath will be in March in SA. And also he told if they have decided to have in Austin then I'll be moved to Austin. So I guess my bad luck I need to wait. All my plans to visit my country got royally screwed up because of this.

I'm not sure if they really care whether you live in Austin or San Antonio. 3 Austin guys who used to post here recently - aramamo, Breez and CroATM, all had their interviews in San Antonio :confused:. Also, I don't think the IO's know a whole lot about oath venues and their schedules..... For e.g. my IO told me that she didn't know a whole lot about when I would get an oath date (read my first post on this thread)
No updates .... I am going to start the ball rolling after Easter.

Please, can the other guys that have joined this thread post their timelines and offices .... many thanks !!!!!!! See first post for mine.