NEw set of Regulations and 183 days


Registered Users (C)
Please go thru the new set and help me to figure out whether there is any implication on 183 days regulation.

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My understanding is, the new law allows you to claim the time spent outside Canada to be considered as time spent in Canada if you meet those requirements. But I agree with you that I am confused about whether or not it wiil be retroactive. It does mention about the requirement of us being "permanent residents immediately before this law coming in to force." Any suggestions?
WOW....thats something......

RayS....we understand your frustration.....

Anyway so what you netrpret is that come June 28 , PR can now take advantage of IRPA only if he was lagal in all senses till June I right or is it something else ???

What happens to a person who did not comply to 183 days till June 28 ?

thanks for your inputs.
MY Dilemma

Hello C-11 Experts,
I landed in Canada on Feb 4th 2002. I came back to US the very next day.My six month or 183 day grace period ends on July 4th 2002. I have seen the Intense discussion going on in the previous thread about the Retroactive policy(or the lack of it) of C-11.
Would i be eligible to make use of the C-11 since my 183 day period runs after the June 28, 2002(when C-11 comes into Force)?

The above dilemma has given me many a "sleepless night". Would anyone kindly put my doubts to rest?

JaiJawan, JaiKissan
Jai Jawaan...I think 1 or 2 weeks doesn\'t matter...

If you came back next day to US for work after landing, it doesn\'t matter much whether you go back after
5.5months or 6.5 months :) i would say you\'ll be in 180 days void boat like us
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I have US Green Card and my wife has canadian GC. She is in US right now. Is there any way that my wife can stay in US more than 183 days? If yes, what kind of visa does she need? After 183 days does she needs to go back to Canada? I heard that there is a visa called TN visa. What is it about? Please help me in this matter... Thanks for your help
my 2 cents

She cannot overstay her I-94 date, if she got one onthe way in the US.
She cannot overstay for 6 months past the passport entry stamp she got from the US INS on her way in, if she got stamped.
TN visa is only for canadian citizens not PRs.
If she got just waved in to the US then she could in theory hang on forever but then she cannot work, change status etc.
for long term entry think about getting an F1 or H1 status.
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continue to my previous message..
While visiting to US as a canadian GC holder my wife did not get I94 card and also at the port of entry no body stamped her passport. Since i am a US GC holder can i be able to apply H4 visa for my wife? If i get H1 papers for my wife does she need to have a stamp in her passport to work in US? If yes, how hard to get it stamped in canada? or is there any way that i can get her passport stamped by sending to any INS office which is in US throu post? please help me....
It is hard to change status if no I-94 card is present.

you cannot get H4 visa for her since you are not an H1 visa holder.
she can get H1 status, she will not need a stamp on the passport ( visa sticker ) but she will need to enter the US from Canada and get an I-94 endorsed with the H1 status. there is no way you can get her passport stamped within the USA
I talked to CIC

All absences prior to the implementation of new law are and will be subject
to the old rules. New rules will apply only to periods of absences occurring
after new law is implemented.