New question to Bhagyanagar & Others..- EAD Renewal Request Letter


Registered Users (C)
Thanks for the info once again. I read your postings listing a request letter to be sent to the INS while applying for EAD Renewal. Is there any standard format of the request letter, if so could you please send me the details of the same and I would really appreciate it.
I am applying for the renewals of the EADs' of both mine and my wife's. Do I need to put them in seperate envelopes or else do I need to put them into one envelope. Please reply to these questions as I am planning to courier the applications this evening.

In the request letter I just wrote that I am enclosing the necessary documents and requested to approve the EAD.

I put both my and my wife's applications in the same envelope, but in two seperate plastic folders.

I also marked the envelope as "application for (renewal) of EAD"
Thanks Bhagyanagar

Thats a good idea to keep in 2 different covers and post them in 1 envelop. Once again thanks for your advice.