It actaully tells you when was you case was atleast touched upon even though the status might be the same.
Ex: my I140 was touched on 04/08/2004 but for some god forsaken reason they didn't processing so status says it was last updated on 04/08 but no change in the message.
my ND is 07/07/2003
After i scanned i found that two apps just before mine got approved on the same day 04/08/2004. may be they were EB2 (mine is EB3) .The one before that says RFE received on 12/29/2003. (Hopefully this person got is approval by now)
The one right after mine got Approved on 12/10/2003 could be an RFE case
So looks like my two cases right before mine got aproved(on 04/08/2004) and one right after mine got approved.(12/10/2003)
If luck was with me then i guess my case would have been approved on 04/08/2004
Below is the list
EAC032045*** Approved 09/25/2003 Approved/Completed
EAC032045**** Approved 01/13/2004 Approved/Completed
EAC032045**** Approved 04/09/2004 Approved/Completed
EAC032045**** Approved 04/09/2004 Approved/Completed
EAC032045**** Received 07/07/2003 Received
EAC032045**** RFE recvd 12/29/2003 RFE recvd
EAC032045**** Approved 04/08/2004 Approved/Completed
EAC032045**** Approved 04/08/2004 Approved/Completed
(hmd's case)EAC032045*** Received 07/07/2003 Received
This one is my case (hmd's case)
EAC032045**** Approved 12/10/2003 Approved/Completed
EAC032045**** Received 07/07/2003 Received
EAC032045**** Received 07/07/2003 Received
EAC032045**** Received 07/07/2003 Received
So with the combination latest new functionality on CIS website and with scan software i guess you could get decent understanding of the adjucation process but that still doesn't answer why wasn't my case approved on 04/08/2004.
The only logical answer to this question would be if they were EB2
then that leaves the question how come some app with ND way past mine are getting approved which are EB3
It is still a mystery i wish i had telepathic powers so that i can read the minds of only IIO. i promise i would not abuse it if someone can give me that power ...should renew my contacts with sadhus near foothills of Himalayas