New online Message of approval


Registered Users (C)
Our cases were approved on October 16.Our passports were stamped on October 25. In my son's case the online message said a welcome notice was mailed which we also received.
Today the message for his I-485 receipt says-This case has been approved. A notice was sent on November 18. What does this mean? It is of course not talking about a card, just approval.
Any ideas?
can not see your problems...

with the approval notice and the stamped passport, what do you have to worry about??
The new message for one whosse welcome notice (being under the age of 14) has been received a month ago is intriguing.We have to wait to receive this new notice to understand it.
My self and my wife got approval notices and my son got welcome notice in mail.
We went to local INS for stamping, after looking at his welcome notice, that lady told he need not get stamped his passport as he will get plastic card directly in mail. Our passports were stamped. I am waiting for the cards for all of us.

RD Oct 25 2001
AD Oct 15 2002

If your child's passport is not stamped, how does he travel in case of emergency? How will he be allowed in the USA? The welcome letter is okay for this?

He hasn't received approved notice as we got one. Our approval notice says regarding passport stamping bla bla..
His welcome notice says, he will receive card with in 3 or 4 weeks.
I don't know what to do in emergency if my 7 year old son want to travel.
BTW, he has AP. I hope that may help him to enter US.

I had the same


I had the same message
Our cases were approved on Oct 11 our sons welcome notice message Oct 11 with Cards ordered.

We stamped pasports on Oct 25.
Sons message changed on Oct 18th from cards ordered to approved.

Received sons green card last week.

Yet to receive our cards.

Yes it is intriguing, but nothing can be done about it just wait and watch
Thanks for the info.Maybe my son's card is on its way.Have your messages changed to cards ordered?
Thanks for the info V-0920,

I hope we will also get the card for our son first then ours.
Online status message for us is still "this case has approved ..." and for our son is "welcome notice mailed ..."

Please post as you get cards or whenever your online message changes.
