New NSC processing Times



I hope they can atleast change it to september or october for a change. It's been a long time for the dates to be stuck in August.
Seems like a positive trend

to me. They are back where they 'officially' were on 10/1/03, but to impart it some positive spin, they've been moving forward by one week for the last two reporting periods running. A movement like this on leading economic indicators would have set the Dow on fire!!

I'd certainly like for it to keep moving at that rate at least. Who knows they may even cross my RD of 9/13/01 in a couple of months? :)
NSC Adjudication Date Not Reliable

Thanks for brining the progress to our attention. I can't speak for my other fellow I-485 applicants but I no longer follow the posting of adjudication date by NSC. I would rather rely on analysis by Pork Chop and FunkyJunky and the posting on Rupnet.

I think these datas give us a better idea of where NSC is rather than the posting. Sorry, just my opinion...
It was 8/24 for 8 months, went back to 8/10, became 8/24 again, went back 8/17 and now it is 8/24. I don't see any positive trend in this and am as bewildered as everyone else in this forum, how an organization in this country even if it is governmental can function like this and still get away scathe free.
AILA shows the report dated Nov 15 while USCIS shows the report dated Nov 14. Hence the difference.