New Law - Resubmit forms ?


Registered Users (C)
I applied in Jan'02 and got my file my file number in April'02. Now I got a letter from them , after a year , asking me to fill the new forms and send them again.

Anyone experienced the same ?

same case

I got the same forms last week.
I am short of points since I applied before I knew the new law. Are you short also? what are you doing about it???
Well, I was short when I applied , but siince then and now , I have enough points. Moreover , I think a couple of points short whould not matter and they might call us for a interview if they fill that we need it since we are short by a 2-3 points.

Other than that I don't see what we can do.

How many points short are you ?
Re: same case

Yes . The letter says if we donot fill the new forms , they will continue the processing with the old forms and there are chances that it might be rejected.