NEW INS GUIDELINES For students and tourists

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 I don\'t think this has anything to do with "implementing a law".
 Since this is just a policy change it won\'t go before a congress.

 The INS can change policies at will. Most of the countries in the
 western hemisphere, Australia are not covered under this 30 day

 So now what is it: One has to worry about getting a visa at the
 consulate, then worry about how long one would get to stay here,
 harassment by the INS goon at the immigration counter in the airport,
 and on top of that if any extension will be given.

 Post GC, one has to stay in the US for 6 months minimum. Many people
 get to meet their family and would like to stay for a month or so
 in their home countries without jeopardising their job here...and
 invite the families over to spend a couple of months in return. Now
 with this new measure, US has turned into a country of house arrests.
 Now don\'t ask me to get out... This country lured me by calling
 itself the land of freedom and immigrants.
 It is like a credit card company that signs you up for 0% apr and
 then suddenly you get a junk mail with the real interest rate that
 you shred immediately without even opening the envelope.

 If Saudi Arabia is manufacturing terrorists, as in sept 11th, why
 cover their arse by declaring a blanket restriction on people
 from other countries.

 Seriously, it isn\'t worth the trouble. Damn the Republicans. Any
 trouble with the country and the only solution they have is iraq or
 iran, making life of immigrants tougher and giving amnesty to
 illegal mexicans. I seriously think that the anti-immigration lobby
 is using the sept 11th tragedy to further its goal of shutting the
 door to immigration.
This news is driving me crazy.

My In-laws plan to visit us in June/July and looks like these restrictions could be well implemented by then. This was on CNN today. Land of freedom and immigrants????? Sept 11 was a very bad day in history but that does not mean that you can put restrictions on law abiding legal immigrants.

I agree with Karna. There got to be a better way to do this and the right people are not making the decesions.
Just keep patience.

Someone in the same situation may shed a new posting soon. I m also just waiting to have some news from three of my friends who are planning to bring their parents in April end & May.