New INS Filing fee


Registered Users (C)
INS is going to increase the fee for all the petiotios effective on Febuary 19, 2002. My Lawyer is saying that he can only send my paper
to INS on Fri 15, 2002. Most of the government offices have holiday on
18-Feb. So do I neeed to send old fee or the new fee, as it make a difference of 200$ for 2 person. Any help would be highly appreciated
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As long as the postmark is before 19th Feb u should be fine with
old fees. 18th is holiday. 15th is a Friday .. so send early on 15th. Please double check with your lawyer.

The INS notes that applications and petitions mailed, postmarked or filed in person on or after February 19, 2002, must include the new fees, otherwise INS will reject and return them without processing. Failure to file the correct fee will delay filing and processing of the application. (Applicants should note that February 18, 2002 is a federal holiday. INS offices are closed and mail will not be delivered.)
It is equally important to remember that applications and petitions which are received by the INS before February 19, 2002 with the increased fees may also face rejection, unless the INS decides to hold the filing until February 19 or thereafter. Payment of correct fee is one of the key requirements for "filing." It is not clear at this time whether the INS will adopt such stop-gap measure.