New info about REAL ID.


shamshon said:
Please ignore this miscreant canterbury2. He is disrespectful and has been banned twice before. He changed his name from canterbury to canterbury 1 then to canterbury 2 as a result of banning. He is the most disgusting asylee in this forum

I'm sorry to disagree with you Shamshon, the most disgusting asylee in this forum is Doctor Crap (USA2002), this miscreant has the right to judge others without knowing a single fact about their past, can you believe that? He came to this blessed country to do exactly the same that our oppressors are doing in our home countries, and he's a doctor. hahaha!!! what a doctor!!!

But I can't be unfair, he's good at spelling, hopefully he'll reply to this post with some corrections to my mistakes, and also a couple of brave threads about perjury and federal prison. Oh man, He's Brave!! What a Doctor!!!

cookiemonster said:
I'm sorry to disagree with you Shamshon, the most disgusting asylee in this forum is Doctor Crap (USA2002), this miscreant has the right to judge others without knowing a single fact about their past, can you believe that? He came to this blessed country to do exactly the same that our oppressors are doing in our home countries, and he's a doctor. hahaha!!! what a doctor!!!

But I can't be unfair, he's good at spelling, hopefully he'll reply to this post with some corrections to my mistakes, and also a couple of brave threads about perjury and federal prison. Oh man, He's Brave!! What a Doctor!!!

I think we are talking about the same person with 2 names! The writing style of the 2 is very similar.
Shamson, I want to let u know that I respect your religion and that people like canterbury2 just don't have any beileve and they will definitely need help when time will come.
ayyubov said:
Shamson, I want to let u know that I respect your religion and that people like canterbury2 just don't have any beileve and they will definitely need help when time will come.
Thanks so much for your kind words, but I want to clarify that I am a Christian who loves Muslim people and hates fundamentalists. This idiot Canterbury has a limited mind and he automatically thought I am Muslim because of rejecting the racist war on Iraq! I despise fundamentalist Muslims such as ben laden and fundamentalist Christian such as Bush!
wantmygcnow said:
Shamson..Dont insult your intelligence by replying to any such posts...!! You are better than that!
Sorry wantmygcnow, you are right, but this idiot has been harassing me for years and has been banned twice as a result. At some point, I had to confront him. You can also see his attitude in disparaging other members
Shamshon, I share you point of view word to word. I feel the same. Lets just ignore people who far from it due to the undeveloped brain.