New Hampsire labor filing


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New Hampshire labor filing

Do New Hampshire send any receipt or anything, if you file a labor certification with them? If so, how long does it take for them to send? Does it have any priority date or case number?
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Have you applied for LC in New hampshire? If yes when did u apply? Mine was filed on september 24th and i have not heard anything so far.
Mine was filed on 2nd week of Jan 2004. I want to know when state labor office will send a receipt?
NH doesn't send receipts. But you can find out your case number from your lawyer. or you call call the NH office.Only one person does the processing in NH. you can speak directly to him. I called yesterday and he told me that he's getting too many LCA from my company so he's not going to do anything with them,he's just going to send them back.Does anyone know if this is possible? To send them back without processing them. Or is too many from one company good enough reason not to process them or send them back?

He also said that it should be filed where the work is or where the head office is,whether or not the company has an office in NH.
Whats the phone number that I have to call? Also what are the information that you need to get the case number and other details? I dont work in New Hampshire, so If he asks anything, I dont want to get in trouble. Thanks.


My LC filed in NH in Oct'03 and since then I was left with no info. I see the processing dates moved to Nov'03 already. So,

1. Is there anyway that I can find out the status of LC? (As usual, no response from my lawyer, inspite of my emails :))

2. Does the State Labor Dept. informs the lawyer/ company when it forwards the application to federal?

3. How can I inquire the status? I was given no receipt number, when asked, my lawyer just quoted the month of filing - OCT'03.

Any ideas please...
hi ,

guys any update about your labor filling status?

let me know is there anyone looking for info, we can share here.
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Do you have any update about your Case in NH SESA or any other in ur company?

Thank you

Originally posted by rakki
the number is 603 228 4083 . But if u r scared then it's better to call ur lawyer
What are the current processing dates at NH?

I was looking at the processing dates at DOL site, looks like they have moved back.. any one has an idea what are the current processing dates for RIR at NH?
Rakki, your case seems to have moved from the NH SESA. You had also said that you had talked to the person sitting in the NH SESA office and said "He also said that it should be filed where the work is or where the head office is,whether or not the company has an office in NH" Also you said he is not processing Labor from your company anymore, but your still moved to DOL.

Was you in RIR or Non-RIR. Please share some info here. Mine is stuck in Non-RIR filed in Dec 2003. Is it safe to call this guy ?
status of march 04 filers from NH SESA

I have filed in mid march 04 from NH SESA office in RIR category. As of now, NH SESA is stating timeline of Dec, 03 for RIR cases.
I have following questions.
1. Is there any body on board who is in nearly same timeframe as me at NH SESA? if so can you provide your status (whether process transferred to Boston DOL, approved etc)
2. From your experience how long will it take to complete NH SESA processing and DOL Boston processing.

I am a new member on this forums. Any guidance would be appreciated.