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Living in San Antonio, Texas - From Philippines - Visa backer problems - Abuse with no proof. Help.

Hello, I love my girlfriend, we live in San Antonio, Texas. Please help us.
She is a legal resident and was petitioned here by her father who is a citizen that has been in this fine country for 10 years. He is verbally and emotionally abusive to Shan. She is at a suicide risk if she has to go back to that house. She's staying with me and my mom right now, she came here on Friday. I'm 20, turning 21 in April of this year, Shan is 18 turning 19 on June 11th. She's been here since June 27, 2009. Me and my mom aren't rich, but we're willing to support her and CAN afford to. He's not a stand up guy, he told her to go back to his house or go back to the Philippines, where she came from. He also threatened to decline paying for her older sisters, who already have their visas but are still in the Philippines, if she doesn't go back. However, even if she goes back he probably won't pay for her sisters. We're certain about that.
She's going to San Antonio College, so am I. She got a 4.0 last semester, is passing her classes with flying colors this semester, never been arrested, no criminal record, never done drugs, and doesn't drink. She's a good girl.
What can we do? I can afford to support her but we can't afford a lawyer. What do we need to do? Where do we turn? She can't go back to that house but she can't go back to the Philippines, she can stay here, but how do we arrange it? how do we make that happen? How do we fight him?