New Finding about FP...Strange but true ??

My FP was scheduled for 13/12 and went ahead of date
on 17/11 to complete the FP.
Today I first called the VSC and they said that they didnt
FP results .They asked me to check in next 30 days
Then I called FBI and gave to them my A# and they said that
they couldnt find my A# in the system.When I asked them what it means
they replied that they never request for FP with that A#.

This confuses me. I think INS sends the FP for FBI check only on
the actual date of FP i.e. 13/12 in my case.

If you have done FP before the actual date and have the same issue
please share it with me.

Where did you do your FP ahead of time ?

My FP is scheduled for 12/28 but I may be out of town so I\'m wondering what to do - any guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks !
No Title

People who have done FP before date...Please check
with INS/FBI that they have received the FP results
and let me know.
Did before actual date in Philly.


I did mine at philly before the actual date and checked with FBI.They have send the result to INS on the same day.

U should get some kind of receipt from INS FP agency when you have done your FP

You can use that receipt as proof for your FP and proceed further!!
I have done mine before.

I have done my FP before the scheduled date and have checked with FBI after couple of days. I was told that they have received and have processed and sent the notice to INS. Later I have checked INS AVM and was no change until my scheduled FP date. After that AVM has been updated to FP received and is in pending status.

Hope this helps.
Anyone done FP at Boston before schedule date

Please share your experience if you have completed FP
at INS boston and FBI has received your results.
I did mine at INS boston on 11/17 and FBI still havent
received my FP.
RD: 7/11, ND: 8/24/, FP: 11/28

My FP was scheduled on 11/28 (Charlotte, NC) but I went on 11/14. I called FBI on 11/16 and provided my A# and they told me that they processed my FP on the same day and already send the results to INS.
You can call FBI again.

I did my FP just before a couple of days of schedule date, then I call FBI to check the result, I got same answer as yours (no any ifor about this A#). Then I gave them my spouse\'s A# (we did FP at the same time), it is OK--they sent the result to VSC. Then I told them my A# again, I got it.
So, 485Q--don\'t worry, just try again.
Please respond

Thanks prperson for your reply!

Did you call FBI after the FP schedule date or before that?
Did the AVM change to that they have received the FP?