New Easy Tracker, Self maintained , realtime and No mannual intervention, Please visit ....


Registered Users (C)

AutoEmail on approval to your RD month group,All kind of Sorting, Reports ,Approval Snapshots, Date Range tracking, Charts and more. Everything on the EAsy Realtime and self maintained. Please post your details ...
I\'m new to the board. Yours is coolest site. But you need more data...

You should ask people get you the Approval history to load.
Thanks for such a service.

I\'ll post my details at your site
Well thing is some people use his already ..

The more information the trackers have the better. I just hope that Greaty-k does realize that most people do at this time use for tracking TSC cases.
Because I put in so much hard work and efforts too,like you guys.And I am ready to do more if I get

..I am open to the idea of u and me working together.
Rest is upto you.Wish you all good luck for early approval.
Hey greaty-k

I understand you have put much hardwork in developing your site and it is offcourse agood work. We would have used your site if we didnt already have a tracker.

It is going to be real hard for all those people who have already entered their data in and are currently using this tracker to go and enter their data in your tracker b/c most people dont visit this forum anymore. One thing you can do is that take data from our tracker and put in your tracker yourself. This offcourse needs to be with permission from the owner of the ( This is just my personal suggestion and he may not agree to it.

Otherwise, I will appreciate if you could leave us alone as it is adding confusion to newcomers and other people who visit this forum only once in a while. Offcourse, you have the right to promote your site as this is a public forum. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
I already posted info in one tracker

I\'m not wasting my time updating (or even following) 2 trackers.
Besides, with the random processing at TSC, a tracker is not very useful anyway. If they approved cases FIFO, then it might have value; but they don\'t.
KenH - Is it really random as we think ?

Yes TSC does do a lot of crazy random processing. However, with all centers under pressure to get processing of cases to under 6 months there are changes taking place.

We till now have been guessing as to the random nature since we see various approvals on the boards which without a tracker do seem random. However, take a look at the discussion "TSC Processing Analysis..." in that using the tracker we have determined that recently TSC is processing a lot of cases based on FP done in the last 2 months (After Mid-Feb 2002). This may or may not be accurate but the data in the tracker certainly leads us to that conclusion.

Now, I know a lot of people are frustrated and yes TSC is random at a lot of times but the only way we can help ourselves, especially since TSC is not going to tell us how they do things, is to try and use a tracker and extroplate and make some conclusions using the data we have. The more people that use the tracker the more accurate the analysis can be.

Good luck with your case and to all others (mine especially *grin*)
Beter site to reorg the data.

It\'s just my opinion.
I like greaty-k\'s new site b/c you play with the data yourself, sort, filter. And it\'s easier and secure to update you data by yourself.
At other site, the most data are separated by Ins Service center. You can only LOOK at the data. and anytime your staus changes, you have email the host to update your data.
You are very wrong about the E-Nairobi site about only LOOKING at the data ...

Offcourse this is my opinion and could be subjective since I am the owner. I\'ll explain why and how.

First when you view the report (by serice center) at E-Nairobi Site by default it shows all records that have a ND after 01/01/2001.

However, once the report shows up say you can do all sorts of filtering and sorting. Lets take sorting thats the easy one. Just click the Link Headings at the top of the report and it sorts the data in descending order of that heading. At the bottom of the report it even tells you what the sort order was.

Now lets look at filtering of data. Say you want to see just records that have a date in march (RD/ND/PD/FP) in March 2001. Well all you do is enter Start Date of 03/01/2001 and End Date of 04/01/2001 and choose the date you want to filter byand hit the filter button.

Take the example of where we want to see a trend of people being FP\'ed in 2002 and AD date. Well on the RUPNET site you really can\'t do it through the sorting provided there since data is grouped by RD month.

With E-Nairobi site you can choose dates between 01/01/2002 and and say todays date 04/19/2002, choose FP from the dropdown box and click filter. This gives you all records that have been FP\'ed this year regardless of RD/ND etc.

Now you click on on the FP title, similarly to the RUPNET site it sorts the data. Now you can see all those that have been FP\'ed this year and who is waiting approvals and who is not.

Don\'t get me wrong I love couple the features that RUPNET has like the auto-email and the graphing. But, when it comes time do analysis of the actual data I can\'t get what I am looking for. At E-Nairobi site I can take it even a step further. I can filter by EB category to see if there are any trends based on EB and AD or FP dates etc.

This last paragraph is kind of aimed at the RUPNET owner. I\'ve even emailed the owner there showing my support for their site but I\'ve got no response from him/her not even a courtesy acknowledgement. I pointed out couple errors including an error in somones entry and did not get a reply. Perhaps this has got to do with the fact that he/she may see me as a competitor when I really am not. Oh well.
Thanks for your feedback, here are my words ....

1. My site does have Date Range tracking on ND and RD, like select start date and end date and also select the field(ND,RD), and soon will be adding FP,AD and more. I added this feature last week.
Reports & graphs also can be filtered with date & fields.
Report snapshot shows very easy real time summary by years.

 I launched Rupnet Easy Tracker, on 4/02/02, and since then I have been adding new features, like Receipt Number formatting,,Emailing,Graphs and snapshots and lot more, with the help of you guys only, in just last 2 weeks.

2.Regarding sorting - Rupnet does have sort on fields and changes the color of the heading on which you have sorted. And changes the color of approval to green in tracking so that at a glance you can see approvals.

3.I\'m getting lot new requests from people on board.
 I then sort the request and give it a priority depending on the requirement, and work on it accordingly.
4.My site is very dynamic, and self-maintained. More and more to come.

5.And yesterday I did get the e-mails from E-nairobi owner , and I will reply after I fix the things he talked about,like disclaimer should have all the centers, and do appreciate the feedback.
        And E-nairobi owner, I apologize for not writing to you today, please don\'t feel that way, you have put in your hard work and its an excellent job, but I\'m just trying to take the tracking into next level of simplicity.

And I cannot do it without the help of you guys.
Please keep giving me more feedback.

Please keep sending more requests. I\'ll make it happen for you.
Thanks and good luck to all