New Case Status Online


they send u an email when ur case gets updated when you register. If only it gets updated often........!:rolleyes:

Option includes being able to get the case status as a PDF file! Wow!
I am trying to decipher the new information available on this option....the "last updated" line. In my case....

N400 filed (Vermont/Philly) Oct 16/03
Fingerprint.........................Dec 16/03

Last updated line reads Nov 11/03.

My assumption is the case was updated when the file was sent to Philly - I would have thought that it should have been updated for the fingerprints. Can others how the "last update" date fits in their timelines. Thanks.
My last updated is between Receipt Date and FP Date. No real coreation. I can confirm that this is not the date when an
entry is added or modified to your N400 case file as I have seen my case file and my last updated date is 15 days after my AR date
Change of Address may sometimes delay things... Did u file AR11? Write a letter to your old and new DO's. Call the toll free number
of the CIS, ask to speak to an INS officer, tell him/her to verify address on file

PS: Did u call the tollfree number to update ur address in the 1st place?
where is the status updated time?

Can someone point out where the status updated time is? I cant seem to notice the difference between the older status and the new one
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Case Status Portfolio with Updates via Email
USCIS Customers (single applicant) and Representatives (representing many cases, such as lawyers, charitable groups, or corporations) who require regular access to status information about multiple cases can create an account to more conveniently access this information. The services provided are identical, except Representatives may also enter their own internal office tracking number with each receipt number.

In addition, you can choose to receive automatic case status updates, which will be sent via email.

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