New Applicant: What are my chances?

nervous wreck

New Member
Hi there
I was wondering what my chances might be if I decided to apply for permanent Residence thru the EB 1 route. I hope you guys can help me out here

The following is an overview of my background:

Current: Working as an Assistant professor at a US university

Education: MS and PhD in Industrial engg from a leading research school in the US

Publications: 13 journal papers, 11 conference papers and 1 book published by a high ranking international publishing house. Most of the papers are either first or second author papers.
All papers are peer reviewed and have been published in internationally recognized journals.
Publications cited about 10 times

Member of editorial board of 1 journal

Received a couple of unsolicited requests for publication reprints.

Awards: 1 scholarship, 1 assistantship, 1 fellowship and 1 travel grant

About 5 invited talks and presentations at various universities in the US and Canada.

Conducted research related to environment conscious design and manufacturing. Some research also deals with cardiac rehabilitation and improving Return to work rates of US workers with cardiac arrests.

That's about it

Hope to hear something from someone out there